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(Nora) #1

sUPPoRt the sUPPoRt...

Employees can make or break your company in a matter of moments.
Take time from your schedule to ensure they are happy and incentivized.
Pay attention to office chatter, gossip spreads like wildfire and is detri-
mental to company perception and office morale. Be careful to avoid mi-
cromanaging conversations, but be mindful of the underlying message.

Close employee interactions with, β€œIs there anything I can do for you?”
Execute this in a sincere manner to show your attention to their needs.

Occasionally sit down with each employee in a comfortable location
(preferably not your office) to discuss their satisfaction with the com-
pany and the efficiency of internal operations. Avoid structuring the
conversation as an employee performance review; the goal is to offer a
setting so their voice can be heard but not criticized.

No matter how hard you try, not one individual will view the company
like you unless their name is listed next to yours under the Division of
Corporations. Understand this, then discover what drives your support
staff. Everyone has a motivation button, find it and push it.

gAUge PeRFoRMAnCe WIth A tARget...

I have never met someone that has arrived at the top without hard work,
these people do exist, however, it is more a function of luck or the in-
heritance of another. The key element is hard work, without it an arrival
at success is likely a dream. Of course, there is no guarantee that is
correlated with the amount of work invested, which is why your most
important asset (time) must be measured.

A very successful businessman once told me that every December he
sets a business and personal plan for the upcoming year. It just happened
that this year he derived a plan to run 300 miles before the New Year.
He separated the main objective into small monthly goals to accurately
measure his performance and adjust based on personal schedule inter-
ruptions. Every month he targeted 25 miles, some months he completed
less and some months more. The idea is to understand the level of pro-
gression against your main objective and adjust accordingly.

Approach every venture with a plan, a goal and a timeframe. Planning
the strategy is extremely important to build the framework to arrive at

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