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(Nora) #1

of acknowledging, “That shirt is a great color on you” might brighten
someone’s day. When you give like that, the success will come out from
inside of you. You magnetize people to you.

Everyone knows at least one person who randomly makes his or her day
better. Think of a restaurant, for example, at which you might pay more or
drive slightly out of the way for, simply because the staff remembers your
name and treats you right. Most of the time people do not realize what
they are looking for, but they are seeking something to give them a boost,
a vote of confidence. Be the person who everyone wants to be around be-
cause when you are around the whole room seems a little happier.

  1. get to knoW PeoPle.

Recognize that the people with whom you do business are people before
they are clients. If you look at people as clients, then you are walking
through life looking for business. The harder a person seaches for some-
thing the further and further away it becomes.

  1. Do the thIngs thAt otheR PeoPle
    ARe UnWIllIng to Do.

Help people. Do not sell to people. The successful businessperson does not
get objections if he is helping clients. When you help someone, you fulfill
a person’s need. Clients, in turn, will fulfill your needs as well long term.

Help the clients that others might turn away. Setting minimums for cli-
ents immediately closes doors for a business. For example, if a business
turns away the client who has only $60,000 to invest, that business also
turns away the millionaire friends that client might be related to or at-
tend church with. The referrals from that seemingly smaller client that
other firms do not want to deal with because he is “too small” could
have meant double the annual revenue for the business.

  1. ADoPt An AttItUDe oF sUCCess.

Honesty, confidence, and success go together. Desperate people reek of
fear, not confidence. Customers rarely wish to do business with someone
who seems desperate for the business, and who would sacrifice build-
ing a solid, business relationship for a quick sale. If someone is beating
down the door and begging for the business, is one more inclined to do
business with that person or less? Refer back to the Golden Rule.

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