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(Nora) #1

This process will help you balance the emotional and the mental factors.
It will allow you to imagine the possibilities and get specific. Start with
the following:

  1. What defines the scope of the relationship you have...
    a) with others?
    b) with your customers?
    c) with your product or service?

  2. Why do you have people in your life?
    Get really specific about this. Look at your role models, friends and
    friends of friends. Use a chart to map out who these people are and
    what level they play in influencing the direction of your life?

  3. Who decides on what connections you make?

Is it you, your friends or your manager? Define the people that lead and
chart your life’s direction. Look for patterns in how you make, break or
repair relationships and connections.

The more you write on these three questions, the deeper your insight
will be.

In today’s world, how you grow your relationships is rooted in the
connections you make and nurture. How much heart you emotionally
invest in the connection will determine the level of influence in which
you operate.

Anyone or any group wanting to build multi-faceted relationships to
be a success must adopt a strategy of being agile – in order to grow all
the time. This strategy should be designed to grow in cycles. Even if
what you offer is a product or service, you should not be transactional
and base your support entirely on deliverables. You should seek to en-
hance your presence, maintain your status and build your personal or
business brand by interacting and producing a series of transforming

This way of thinking can be compared to the transformational lifespan
of a butterfly.

Imagine your relationships are starting out just as a larva hatches. They
slowly grow into caterpillars.

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