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(Nora) #1

Take the time to document what you do, create a journal. This will pro-
vide you with a resource and give you a playbook to ignite new ideas.
Consider how powerful that would be.

WhAt Do YoU Do When CReAtIng
YoUR teAM envIRonMent?

Find a way to reach a consensus fast without demoralizing others. How
can you provide every situation with the opportunity to innovate and
build on collective participation? You do this by developing connec-
tions first, and then facilitate change by reigniting the passion that drove
the people into their work in the first place.

If you try and impose change and restriction, you will rapidly lose your
voice, especially when you have to yell at people to get the job done.

knoW YoUR heARt, knoW YoUR MInD

The heart is the emotional processor of peoples’ thoughts and feelings.

It’s where our laughter comes from, and also our tears. It’s what always
brightens our day, and sometimes makes us wonder why we’re doing
something we don’t want to do.

Then, there’s the mind. This is the great filter – it compares our options,
it studies what’s bothering us. It filters out elements based on not just
what we want, but what we need. A well-balanced professional must let
both the heart and mind be part of the actions they commit to.

We want to be respected. We want to be where we’re wanted, and be
valued for our contribution. In our work lives, if we are where we are
needed most, we will love our work.

The objective of your continuous success should positively aim to assure
you align your appreciated talents to where you are needed the most.

InFoRMAtIon Is the neW PRoFessIonAl CURRenCY

Your CV may never be the best. With several hundred applicants for
each job today, you really have to be pretty special to be recognized. So,
differentiating yourself through your character and personality is a key
asset and differentiator to your intellectual horsepower.

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