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(Nora) #1

What is important today are the relationships being formed around the
water cooler. The relationships you build mean everything as you move
forward, both in your job now and in the future. If you can communicate
what you’re good at and be surrounded by those who know your talents,
your relationships will be your qualification. The maintenance of your
connections will be key to your success.

After all, the barriers to education used to be closed off. Now education
is open to everyone. Anyone can obtain qualifications, or learn skills
online. It’s what you do with the information out there, and how you use
it to form relationships, that sets you apart from the millions of others.

Constantly ask yourself:

  • “What is my serve strategy?”

  • “How can I serve those around me?”

  • “How can I serve myself and be remunerated for doing what I

These questions will keep you inspired and on the right track.

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