The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

memory 455
performativity 526
post-structuralism 572
process 587
qualitative methods 604, 605
radical democracy 618
recreation 625
security 672
space 709
structuration theory 727
subject/subjectivity 730
community 104
discourse 166
emotional geography 189
exception, space of 226
feminist geographies 247
gender 268
geographical imagination 284
geography 291
heteronormativity 329
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
human geography 354
image 369
imaginative geographies 371
performance 525
pragmatism 578
process 587
queer theory 613
rural geography 659
sexuality 680
social construction 691
subject/subjectivity 730
terrorism 749
vision and visuality 801
periodic market systems 76, 527
Pe ́rouse, Jean Franc ̧ois, Comte
de la 231
Perraton, J. 310
Perroux, Franc ̧ois
external economies 234
growth pole 320
institutional economics 385
Perry, Clarence 495
Persian Gulf War (1990–1).See
Gulf War
Petchenik, B.B. 434
Petri, Franz 131
economic geography 181
economic integration 183
Petty, William 666
phallocentrism 528
feminism 243–4
gender 268
literature 422
masculinism 448
quantitative revolution 612
subject/subjectivity 729
pharmaceuticals 49
Phelan, John 412
body 51

Cartesianism 65
contextuality 112
cultural landscape 133
ethnomethodology 219
everyday life 224
habitus 323
human geography 354
humanism 356
humanistic geography 357
landscape 410
lifeworld 418
music 485
ontology 512
philosophy 530
place 539
placelessness 542
qualitative methods 603
representation 645
sense of place 676
social construction 690, 691
space 709
spatiality 716
taken-for-granted world 741
time-geography 756
values 797
Phenomenology of Spirit
(Hegel) 528
Philbrick, A. 634
Philippines 355
Philo, C.
rural geography 659
society 702
biophilosophy 47
counterfactuals 119
critical rationalism 124–5
critical theory 125
deconstruction 147
discourse 166
Enlightenment 193
epistemology 207
essentialism 210–11
ethics 211–13
existentialism 228
explanation 229
foundationalism 261–2
geography 290, 293
holocaust 338
human geography 354
humanism 356
idealism 363
idiographic 368
literature 420
logical empiricism 429
logical positivism 430
Marxism 444
modernity 473
naturalism 491
phallocentrism 527
pragmatism 577–8
production of space 590
realism 622

rhetoric 655
social theory 698
spatial science 715
teleology 742–3
time 755
utilitarianism 794–5
Philpott, T.
Chicago School 79
ghetto 303
photography 353
physical geography531–8,534,
535, 537, 538
Darwinism 142
deep ecology 149
geography 292
human geography 350, 351
map 435
philosophy 530
positivism 559
poverty 574
realism 623
region 631
resource management 650
scale 665
system 740
physiography 532–3
Piaget, Jean
children 80
structuralism 725
time 755
Pick, Georg 426
Pickles, J.
cartographic reason 66
cartography 68
geography 291
space 708–9
spatiality 716
pids.Seeprivate interest
Piercy, Marge 174
Piernne, Henri 538
Pile, S. 646
Pincetl, S. 783
Pinch, S.
collective consumption 94
industrial district 376
Pinchot, Gifford 107
Pinder, D.
modernism 470
moral landscapes 479
Pinochet, Augusto 497
Pinter, Harold 25
Piore,M.J. 416
Pirennethesis 250,538–9
Pittsburgh Survey 384
pixel 539
neural networks 499
remote sensing (RS) 644
aboriginality 1
affect 9
areal differentiation 35
children 80
co-evolution 92

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