The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

Oxfam 238
Oxford handbook of economic
geography, the(Clark,
Gertler, and Feldman) 500

Paasi, A. 639
Pacific Rim 517
Paelinck, Jean 712
Pahl, R.E. 660
Pakistan 628
diaspora 158
ethnic democracy 214
exception, space of 226
Green Line 317
indistinction, zone of 375
intifada 394
Middle East, idea of 460
partition 520
urbicide 794
Palestinian National
Authority 394
Pan-American Center for Earth
and Environmental
Studies 300
Pan-American Union 412
pandemic 517
disease, diffusion of 168
epidemic 205–6
virus 800
Pandey, Gyanendra 727
Panel Study of Income
Dynamics 670
Panofsky, Erwin 363
disciplinary power 165
post-structuralism 572
subject/subjectivity 734
surveillance 733
camp 57
cartography 67
cartography, history of 71
central place theory 76
critical rationalism 125
dialectic(s) 157, 158
economic geography 180
exception, space of 226
falsification 239
geography 289
geography, history of 297–8
global cities/world cities 305
local knowledge 423
metaphor 456
model 469
positivism 559
post-normal science (PNS) 570
quantitative revolution 612
relativism 641
scientific revolution(s) 669
Sjoberg model 685
paradigm shift 518
Pareto, V.F.D. 519
Pareto optimality519, 519

Pareto principle 227
Paris, France
flaneur/flanerie 256
monuments 478
Paris Peace Conference
(1919) 264
Park, Robert E.
Chicago School 79
ethnicity 216
human ecology 349
Kantianism 400
Parliament 433
parliamentary enclosure 191–2
Parsons, Talcott
functionalism 266
Grand Theory 315
social theory 698
structural functionalism 725
participant observation519–20
action research 5
applied geography 34
children 81
economic geography 180
qualitative methods 605
participatory democracy 520
participatory geography 554
passports 188
anti-development 31
migrancy 461
nomadism 501
transhumance 770
Pateman, C. 244
patenting 171, 522
patriarchy 522
conflict 106
division of labour 170
domesticity 172
domination 172
equality 208
everyday life 224
feminist geographies 246
gender 268
hegemony 327
home 341
property 594
resistance 647
social formation 692
social geography 693
squatting 719
underclass 779
Pavlov, I. 627
Pawson, Ray 225
Pax Americana26,522–4
Pax Romana 523
pca.Seeprincipal components
Peach, Ceri
social geography 692
urban geography 785
Pearce, D. 198
Pearson, Egon 362

adaptation 8
Africa, idea of 10
agrarian question 14
agricultural geography 17
anti-globalization 32
Boserup thesis 55
Brenner thesis 56
co-operative 115
decolonization 146
ecological imperialism 175
enclosure 192
farming 241
feudalism 249
food 259
genre de vie 273
GreenRevolution 317,318,319
inheritance systems 383
intensive agriculture 389
land tenure 408
memory 454
political ecology 546
populism 556
primitive accumulation 580
proto-industrialization 595
resource management 650
shifting cultivation 682
subsistence agriculture 731
underdevelopment 780
Peck, Jamie
institutional economics 386
knowledgeeconomy 403
labourgeography 404
labour market 405
Peet, Richard
anarchism 28
capitalism 62
Eurocentrism 221
hazard 324
model 469
philosophy 531
structuralism 725
People’s Republic of China 103
Perec, Georges 225
affect 8
art 36
chronotope 84
cultural geography 132
culture 138
ethnomethodology 219
everyday life 225
film 254
focus group 258
geography 289
geography, history of 299
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
imaginative geographies 371
interviews and
interviewing 394
landscape 410–11
literature 421

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