The Dictionary of Human Geography

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Stengers, Isabelle 7
Steuart, Sir James 426
Stevenage, England 501
Steward, Julian 128
Stewart, John Q. 433
Stewart, Mart 199
Stiglitz, Joseph 440
stochastic process 724
categorical data analysis 73
logit regression models 431
Markov process (or Markov
chain) 443
microsimulation 459
multi-level models 483
Poisson regression models 544
simulation 683
stock resources 490, 491
Stoddart, David
Darwinism 142
ecosystem 186
geography 289, 290
Stoker, L. 663
Stoler, Ann
ethnography 218
race 615
Storper, Michael
economic growth 182
external economies 235
flexible accumulation 257
industrial district 376
institutional economics 386
transaction costs 768
Stott, Philip 200
Stouffer, S.A. 392–3
areal differentiation 35
chorology/chorography 82–3
philosophy 530
regional geography 632, 634
war 804
Strahler, N. 295
strategic reallocation 733
Strathern, Marilyn 228
stratified sampling
sampling 663
survey analysis 736
Strauss, Leo 442
Strohmayer, U. 699
structural adjustment724–5
aid 21
anti-globalization 31
development 156
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
privatization 585
restructuring 652
structural functionalism 725
adaptation 8
functionalism 265
Grand Theory 315
Sjoberg model 685
system 740
structural violence 798
structuralism 725

cartography, history of 70
everyday life 224
Grand Theory 315
habitus 323
human geography 352
identity 364
Marxism 444
individualism 457
mode of production 468
modernism 470
philosophy 530
postmodernity 569
subject/subjectivity 729
thick description 753
structuration theory725–7, 726
contextual effect 110
contextuality 111
everyday life 224
Grand Theory 315
habitus 323
historical geography 334
historical materialism 336
human agency 347
human geography 352
humanistic geography 357
locale 424
modernization 475
place 540
population geography 553
process 587
quantitative methods 609
realism 623
region 631
risk society 658
social geography 693
spatiality 716
subject/subjectivity 729
time 755
time-geography 756
time–space distanciation 759,
Structure of scientific revolutions,
The(Kuhn) 518
Sturgis, P. 736
subaltern studies727–8
civilization 87
contrapuntal geographies 114
decolonization 147
hegemony 327
music 485
post-development 563
post-structuralism 572
Third World 754
tricontinentalism 777
Subaltern Studies Collective 72
abjection 1
affect 8
body 51
children 81
cultural geography 132
ethics 213

ethnicity 214
feminist geographies 247
gender 268
genealogy 270
geographical imagination 283
governmentality 314
humanism 356
identity 365
ideology 367, 368
minor theory 467
Other/Otherness 515
performance 525
performativity 527
phenomenology 529
philosophy 531
place 540
political economy 548
positionality 556
post-structuralism 573
psychoanalytic theory 596,
radical democracy 619
rights 656
structuralism 725
topography 762
subordination 656
sub-Saharan Africa 506
subsidiarity 731
subsistence agriculture 731
farming 241
peasant 524
shifting cultivation 682
substitutionism 731
farming 241
limits to growth 419
back-to-the-city movement 41
central business district
(CBD) 76
centrifugal and centripetal
forces 78
city 86
commuting 104
consumption 109
counter-urbanization 119
decentralization 144
ethnoburb 217
exopolis 229
feminist geographies 246
film 254
fiscal crisis 255
hegemony 327
housing studies 347
inner city 384
metropolitan area 459
post-industrial city 565
private and public spheres 583
segregation 673
social exclusion 691
spatial mismatch 713
sprawl 719
urban fringe 784
urban geography 785
water 807

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