The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

suburb/anization (cont’d)
whiteness 810
zonal model 815
zoning 816
succession.Seeinvasion and
Suez Crisis 460
Sugg, K. 455
suicide 621
Sullivan, L.H. 472
Sullivan, W. 104
Sully, Maximilien Be ́thune, Duc
de 222
Summers, Lawrence 64
product life cycle 588
rustbelt 660
sunk costs 238, 733
Sunley, Peter
institutional economics 386
knowledge economy 401
Super Profiles 277
superstructure.Seebase and
supply and demand 548
surface 733
isolines 396
trend surface analysis 775
neo-Ricardian economics 498
redistribution 625
surrealism 685
carceral geographies 64
children 81
consumption 109
crime 120
defensible space 150
epistemology 207
gated communities 268
geography, history of 298
Global Positioning Systems
(GPS) 308
military geography 465
policing 544
prisons 583
prostitution 594
remote sensing (RS) 643
segregation 674
territoriality 745
time–space distanciation 760
virtual geographies 800
survey analysis734–7
categorical data analysis 73
children 81
decision-making 144
interviews and
interviewing 393
primary data analysis 580
quantitative methods 610
questionnaire 613
sampling 661
surveying 737
surveying 737

cadastral mapping 57
geo-informatics 299
globe 311
governable space 312
methodology 458
scientific instrumentation 668
Suskind, Ron 523
compact city 104
conservation 107
energy 193
Green Revolution 317
hazard 324
land use and land-cover
change (LULC) 409
physical geography 537
political ecology 546
sustainable development 739
tragedy of the commons 766
urban ecology 783
sustainable development 739
anti-development 31
Environmental Impact
Assessment 201
geography 292
land use and land-cover
change (LULC) 409
wetlands 810
swiddening 682
Swidler, A. 104
Swyngedouw, Erik
economic geography 181
glocalization 312
social justice 694, 695
syllogism 666
symbolic interactionism 739
ethnomethodology 219
identity 364
lifeworld 418
qualitative methods 603
social construction 691
syntax 330
agro-food system20–1
civilization 87
critical theory 126
cybernetics 138
feedback 243
field system250–1
functionalism 266
general systems theory 271
geography 294
Grand Theory 315
human geography 351
information theory 382
inheritance systems 383
periodic market systems 527
quantitative methods 608
realism 622
structural functionalism 725
urban system 791
world-systems analysis813–14
systematic sample 662

systems analysis
adaptation 8
process 586
system 740
urban system 791

Tacitus 508
NIDL 500
South, the 705
Takacs, D. 46
taken-for-granted world 741
globalization 309
lifeworld 418
spatiality 716
Taliban 522
Tallensi 265
Tansley, A.G. 185
Tarde, Gabriel 7
tariff 741
agrarian question 14
comparative advantage 105
transfer pricing 769
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 813
Taylor, A. 253
Taylor, Eva 297
Taylor, Frederick W. 741
Taylor, Griffith
Austral(as)ia, idea of 39
Darwinism 143
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
Taylor, P.
metageography 456
urban geography 786
Taylor, Peter J.
anarchism 28
distance decay 169
global cities/world cities 306
modifiable areal unit problem
(maup) 475, 476
quantitative revolution 612
world-systems analysis 814
Taylorism 260,741–2
actor-network theory
(ANT) 7
cartography 67, 68
cartography, history of 72
children 81
co-evolution 92
commodity chain/filiere 101
communication(s) 102
commuting 104
creative destruction 119
cybernetics 139
cyberspace 139–40
cyborg 140
entrepreneurship 195
e-social science 209–10
farming 241–2
geocoding 275
geocomputation 275–6

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