The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

space 709
time–space compression 758
Timpanaro, Sebastiano 449
TINA (there is no alternative)
globalization 309, 311
market 442
Tipton, S. 104
Tobler, W.
distance decay 169
quantitative methods 608
spatial autocorrelation 711
Tobler’s Law
law (scientific) 415
quantitative methods 611
spatial autocorrelation 712
Tolstoy, Leo
anti-development 31
post-development 562
Tomkins, Silvan 8
Tomlinson, Roger 280–1
To ̈nnies, Ferdinand
community 103–4
rural–urban continuum 660
social capital 689
society 702
topocide 763
topographic map761–2
cartography 69
digital cartography 162
isolines 396
map 436
topography 762
topography 762
topology 762
graph theory 316
vector data 798
genius loci 272
geopiety 300
hermeneutics 329
sense of place 676
Torres Caicedo, Jose ́Marı ́a 412
torture 523
total fertility rate 249
Touraine, Alain 565
aboriginality 2
Chinatown 82
consumption 108
film 253
historical geography 334
homophobia and
heterosexism 344
music 485
primitivism 582
recreation 624
sexuality 680–1
travel writing 774
tropicality 777
vision and visuality 801
wilderness 811
Tournachon, Gaspard-Fe ́lix 643

town 764
city 85
industrial revolution 379
new town 501
red-light districts 625
urbanism 791–2
whiteness 810
Town and Country Planning
Act 317
Town and Country Planning
Association 267
townscape 764
Toye, John
Africa, idea of 11–12
development 156
Toynbee, Arnold
industrial revolution 378
stages of growth 720
trade764–6, 765
agrarian question 14
city 85
commodity 99
comparative advantage 105
cultural geography 130
dependency theory 154
economic integration 182
Europe, idea of 222
fair trade 238
flows 257
free trade area (FTA) 264
geographical societies 286
geography, history of 298
geostrategic realms 302
global cities/world cities 304
globalization 310
industrialization 380
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
International Relations
(IR) 391
Pacific Rim 517
pastoralism 521
Pax Americana 523
periodic market systems 527
Pirenne thesis 538–9
political economy 547
product life cycle 588
South, the 704
system 740
tariff 741
terms of trade 743
transfer pricing 769
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
West, the 809
World Trade Organization
Trade Related Investment
Measures(TRIMs) 743
Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights
bioprospecting 49
patenting 522

terms of trade 743
traditional society 720
tragedy of the commons766–7
common pool resources 102
externalities 235
prisoner’s dilemma 582
transaction costs767–8
economies of scope 184
exchange 227
external economies 235
externalities 235
market 440
production complex 589
regional policy 636
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
transactional analysis 768
economies of scope 184
production complex 589
transcendental realism 492
consumption 109
contrapuntal geographies 113
cultural landscape 133
historical geography 334
integration 388
Orientalism 514
regional geography 635
space 710
travel writing 774
transfer pricing769–70
transferability 770
transgression 770
cultural geography 131
cultural politics 134
moral geographies 479
moral landscapes 480
travel writing 774
transhumance 521,770–1
transnational corporations
agricultural geography 17
capitalism 62
colonialism 96
division of labour 170
economic geography 181
flows 257–8
geopolitics 302
globalization 309
Green Revolution 319
industrial geography 378
labour process 406
location theory 427
oil 510
public services 602
services 678
territoriality 745
trade 765–6
transfer pricing 769–70
transnational networks 463
transnational urbanism 792
transnationalism 772
borderlands 53
chain migration 78

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