The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

transnationalism (cont’d)
citizenship 84
commodity chain/filiere 101
consumption 110
contrapuntal geographies 114
cosmopolitanism 117–18
cultural geography 132
diaspora 159
feminist geographies 245
globalization 310
identity 366
immigration 372
local–global relations 425
memory 455
resistance 647
social geography 693
subject/subjectivity 730
topography 762
transport costs 773
cartogram 66
central place theory 76
counter-urbanization 119
footloose industry 260
pricing policies 579
product life cycle 588
transaction costs 767
transferability 770
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 771
transportation problem 773–4
von Thu ̈nen model 803
transport geography 773
transport principle 76, 77
transportation problem773–4
linear programming 419
migration 462
post-industrial city 565
transportation studies 611
travel 14
travel writing774–5
colonialism 98
Enlightenment 194
exploration 230
geographical imagination
geography 287
geography, history of 295, 298
historical geography 334
imaginative geographies 371
literature 420
primitivism 581
regional geography 633
tourism 763
transculturation 768
travelling theory 775
transculturation 768
tricontinentalism 777
trend surface analysis 775
spatial analysis 711
surface 733
Trewartha, G. 553
production of space 590
spatiality 717

tribal societies 760
Tricontinental Conference 776
tricontinentalism 221,776–7
Trobianders 265
Trondman, M. 218
tropical geography
Africa, idea of 9
human geography 350
tropicality 777
climate 91
colonialism 97
geographical imaginary 282
geography 291
hermeneutics 329
human geography 350
imaginative geographies 370
literature 420
Orientalism 514
primitivism 581
regional geography 633
travel writing 774
Trotsky, L. 781
Truman, Harry 321
communication(s) 102
food 259
market 440
regional policy 636
social capital 689, 690
transaction costs 768
travelling theory 775
epistemology 206
ethics 213
Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (TRC) 33
tsunamis 509
t-test 664
Tuan, Yi-Fu
environmental perception
geopiety 300
humanities 359
moral landscapes 479
topophilia 762–3
Tukey, John
exploratory data analysis
(EDA) 234
software for quantitative
analysis 704
Tullock, Gordon 598
turf politics 600, 778
Turkington, D.A. 387
Turner, B.S. 368
Turner, Frederick Jackson
frontier 264
frontier thesis 265
Lamarck(ian)ism 408
sequent occupance 677
Turner, M.E. 20

Ullman, Edward L.
complementarity 105
multiple nuclei model 484

quantitative methods 607
quantitative revolution 611
spatial interaction 713
transferability 770
urban geography 784
uncertainty 779
decision-making 144
entropy 195
fuzzy sets/fuzzy logic 266
information theory 382
post-normal science
(PNS) 570
class 88
cycleofpoverty 141
ghetto 303
inner city 384
longitudinal data analysis
(LDA) 431
migration 463
underdevelopment 780
deindustrialization 150
dependency theory 154
development 156
environmental history 200
North-South 506
plantation 543
pollution 552
post-development 563
uneven development 781
unemployment 500
uneven development780–2
accumulation 4
agrarian question 15
analytical Marxism 27
areal differentiation 35
class 89
core–periphery model 115–16
equilibrium 209
farming 241
food 259
gender and development 269
geography 291
globalization 310
growth pole 320
Kondratieff waves 403
labour geography 404
location theory 427
Marxism 445
Marxist economics 446
Marxist geography 447
mortality 481
nation-state 489
NIDL 500
philosophy 531
place 540
quantitative methods 608–9
regional policy 636
restructuring 653
scale 665
stages of growth 721
trade 765
transnational corporations
(TNCs) 772

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