The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

dialectic(s) 158
food 259
geographical imagination 285
global commons 306
property 594
science/science studies 667
Wheatley, Paul 789
Whelan, Y. 363
Whewell, William 666
Whitbeck, R.H. 179
White, Allon 770
White, Gilbert
behavioural geography 44
ecology 176
hazard 324
resource 648
White, Richard 199
White, Stephen K. 262
White Studies 810
Whitehand, J.W.R. 764
Whitehead, Alfred North
actor-network theory
(ANT) 7
biophilosophy 47
geographical imagination 285
geography 292
process 587
whiteness 810
ethnicity 215
Eurocentrism 221
film 253
heteronormativity 329
humanism 356
power 576
Whittlesey, Derwent
Darwinism 142
law 414
sequent occupance 677
transaction costs 767–8
Whyte, W.F. 72
Wide Area Augmentation
System 307
Wiener, Norbert 138
Wigen, K.E. 456
Wilden, A. 8
environmental history 200
national parks 487, 488
Wilkinson, J.
farming 241
substitutionism 731
Willems-Braun, B. 261
Williams, P. 785
Williams, Raymond
capital 58
capitalism 59
community 104
culture 135
historicism 336
landscape 410
literature 420
market 439
materialism 449
nature 492

Williamson, Oliver E.
institutional economics 385
location theory 427
Williamson, P. 277
Willis, P. 218
Wills, J.
anarchism 28
labour geography 404
Wilson, Alan G.
catastrophe theory 73
complexity theory 106
critical rationalism 125
models 196
falsification 239
gravity model 316
Wilson, E.O. 46
Wilson, William Julius 384
Wilton, Robert 597
WIMP (Windows Interface,
Mouse Pointer) 800
Winchester, H. 605
Windelband, Wilhelm
idiographic 368
Kantianism 400
nomothetic 502
Winichakul, Thongchai 274
Winnicott, Donald 596
Wirth, Louis
Chicago School 79
urbanism 791
Withers, C.W.J. 288
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
contextuality 112
foundationalism 262
gender 269
geography 289
logical positivism 430
process 587
rhetoric 655
Wolch, J.
urban ecology 783
urban geography 786
Wolf, Eric
cultural ecology 128
mode of production 468
political ecology 545
Wolff, Goetz 304
Wolff, Janet
flaneur/flanerie 256
genocide 273
Wolff, Richard D.
base and superstructure 42–3
essentialism 210
Marxist economics 445
Wolpe, H. 468
Wolpert, J. 44
Women and Development
(WAD) 269
Women in Development
(WID) 269
Women in Geography Study
Group 245
Wood, Denis

cartography, history of 70
children 80
map reading 439
psychogeography 597
Woodall, P. 743
Woodward, David
cartography, history of 70
map 434
Woodward, John 231
Woodward, K.
film 253
urban geography 785
Woodward, R. 465
Woolgar, Steve
local knowledge 423
science/science studies 667
recreation 625
rural geography 659
Workers Party 812
workfare 405
workhouse 518
World Bank
Africa, idea of 11
aid 21
Asian miracle/tigers 38
capitalism 62–4
conflict commodities 107
development 156
Environmental Impact
Assessment 201
globalization 310
governance 313
Green Revolution 318
indigenous knowledge 375
institutional economics 386
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
market 443
neo-liberalism 497
post-socialism 571
reconstruction 624
restructuring 652
social capital 689
squatting 719
structural adjustment 725
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
World Trade Organization
(WTO) 813
world city 811
informational city 382
investment 396
territoriality 745
urban geography 786
urban system 791
world-systems analysis 814
World Conservation Union
(IUCN) 108
World Cup 718
World Development Report 64
World Economic Forum 812
World Employment
Programme 381

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