The Dictionary of Human Geography

(nextflipdebug2) #1

World Geodetic System
(WGS84) 307
World Meteorological
Organization 90
World Social Forum
anti-globalization 32
ecological imperialism 175
trade 766
World Summit on Sustainable
Development (WSSD) 739
World Tourism
Organization 763
World Trade Organization
anti-globalization 32
capitalism 62, 64
domestication 171
economic integration 182
fair trade 238
Green Revolution 319
Intellectual Property Rights
(IPR) 388
International Monetary Fund
(IMF) 390
multilateralism 482
neo-liberalism 497
patenting 522
postmodernity 570
South, the 705
tariff 741
terms of trade 743
trade 766
World Social Forum
(WSF) 812
World War I.SeeFirst World
World War II.SeeSecond World
World Wide Web (WWW) 392
world-systems analysis813–14
Annales School 30
Brenner thesis 56
colonialism 94
core–periphery model 115–16
dependency theory 154
global cities/world cities 304

imperialism 374
migration 463
mode of production 468
political geography 550
regional geography 635
structural functionalism 725
Worldwide Fund for Nature 108
Worster, D. 200
Wright, Erik Olin
analytical Marxism 27
capitalism 61
class 88
Wright, J. 21
Wright, J.K.
behavioural geography 44
geography, history of 297
geopiety 300
Wright, Melissa W.
critical human geography 123
private and public
spheres 584
Wright, Sewall 142
Wrigley, E.A.
Agricultural Revolution 20
historical demography 331
historical geography 333
Wrigley, N.
regional geography 634
retailing 654
sunk costs 733
exploration 232
qualitative methods 606
WSF.SeeWorld Social Forum
WTO.SeeWorld Trade
Wymer, C. 275

Xiaofeng, L. 663
XSight 703

Yellowstone National Park
(Wyoming, USA) 487
Yeltsin, Boris 624
Yeoh, B. 762
Yiftachel, Oren 217
Yinger, J. 788

Young, Iris Marion
difference 160
ethics 213
gender 269
public space 602
social justice 694
Young, Robert 776
ethnicity 215
partition 521
Yule’sQ 73
Yuval-Davis, N. 679

Zacuto, Abraham 230
Zakaria, Fareed 461
Zapatista rebellion 570
Zellner, Arnold 43
Zhou, M. 82
Zhou, Y.X. 732
Zimmerer, Karl 200
Zimmerman, E.W. 648
kibbutz 401
religion 643
Zola, Emile 621–2
zonal model815,815–16
invasion and succession 395
multiple nuclei model 484
sectoral model 671
Sjoberg model 685
von Thu ̈nen model 803
zone of dependence 501,
zone of indistinction.See
indistinction, zone of
zoning 816
Systems(GIS) 280
housing studies 347
rural planning 660
sprawl 719
Tiebout model 755
urban and regional
planning 782
Zonn, L. 253
zoos 108,816–17
Zorbaugh, H. 79

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