The Dictionary of Human Geography

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the geographiesofinstrumentation. The use of
survey instruments and the regulation of
observers in the production of geographical
knowledge can be thought of as an inherently
spatial strategy; it aims to conquer distance
by bringing together widely distributed data
and thereby integrating local knowledge into
globalnetworks. Just exactly what goes on
as instrumental findings circulate from local
site to global space constitutes a crucial set of
questions in the geography of knowledge.
During theenlightenment, ships’ captains
collected magnetic measurements and
returned them to the Royal Society. In the
nineteenth century, atmospheric circulation
data returned from hundreds of ships to the
US Navy’s Depot Charts and Instruments
were used by Matthew Fontaine Maury to
construct his 1855Physical geography of the
sea(Burnett, 2005). At such key venues –
centres of calculation, as Bruno Latour
(1987) calls them – universality is constructed
from particularity. But that conceptual cir-
cuitry is only achieved by industrious labour
and careful management. The need to cali-
brate instruments, to normalizefieldwork,
to discipline the senses of observers and to
ensure metrological standardization are all
procedures that are needed to turn instrumen-
tal readings in particular places into geograph-
ical patterns of worldwide scope (Livingstone,
2003c). And of course the standardized data,
calibrated apparatus and normalized proced-
ures that emerge from centralized nodes in the
network are themselves, in turn, ‘assimilated
and interpreted in each local context’
(Golinski, 1998, pp. 138–9). It is therefore
noteworthy that historians of science have
begun to speak of the ‘geography of precision’
(Schaffer, 2002), which identifies the inher-
ently geographical nature of instrumental epis-
temology and the means by which ‘universal
knowledge’ is made out of ‘local knowledges’
(seeindigenous knowledge). Further geo-
graphical scrutiny of the role of instrumental
practice in the production of (geographical)
knowledge is urgently needed. dl

Suggested reading
Bourguet, Licoppe and Sibum (2002); Living-
stone (2003c).

scientific revolution(s) An abrupt cognitive
transformation in a tradition of scientific
enquiry that radically reinterprets existing
data, identifies new problems and methodolo-
gies, and establishes fertile lines of novel
enquiry. By thus emphasizing discontinuities

in the history ofscience, the idea of scientific
revolutions runs counter to the standard
cumulative understanding long championed
by positivists and others who insisted that sci-
entific progress comes about through the
inductive accumulation of new data and the
routine application of scientific method (see
logical positivism;positivism). While the
idea of scientific revolutions was put forward
in the mid-nineteenth century by William
Whewell, its most celebrated advocate was
Thomas Kuhn, whose 1962 account, The
structure of scientific revolutions, advanced a
mechanism for understanding revolutionary
science. To Kuhn, scientific fields embody
paradigms– traditions with historical exem-
plars that express the standard theories, con-
cepts and practices of a particular science. At
certain points in time a new paradigm arises
which is incompatible, and incommensurable,
with its predecessor on account of the truly
radical nature of the transformation. Kuhn’s
model has been challenged from various quar-
ters, and while he himself insisted that it was
not applicable to the social sciences, it has
nonetheless been applied in various ways to
the evolution ofhuman geographyand, most
notably, by the architects of thequantitative
revolutionthat inauguratedspatial science
(Mair, 1986; see alsogeography, history of).
But the term may also refer to a particular
period in Western history, conventionally
described as ‘The Scientific Revolution’,
which has been widely regarded as of pivotal
significance in the emergence of modern sci-
ence. The expression was introduced in the
1930s to give unity to the period centring on
the seventeenth and early eighteenth centur-
ies, when figures such as Galileo, Rene ́
Descartes, Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon,
Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton trans-
formed natural philosophy by their application
of mathematical principles and experimental
methods to understandingnature. Favouring
mechanical explanations, such figures cham-
pioned first-hand observation of nature over
the scholastic authority of figures such as
Aristotle. This typification of ‘the scientific
revolution’, however, has been challenged
more recently by scholars stressing continu-
ities with medieval metaphysics, diversities of
outlook exhibited by key figures in the period
and the continuing influence of a variety of
magical perspectives on practitioners of the
new natural philosophy. This has led some
historians to query whether there ever really
was such a thing as ‘the’ scientific revolution.
As Shapin (1996, p. 1) audaciously put it in

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