
(Ben Green) #1
ninety-degree rotation The camera is turned ninety degrees to the right or to the left so
that an east/west (horizontal) pan will appear to be an up and down pan (north/south or
vertical pan). The camera can rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. A ninety-degree rota-
tion is a change of location, but not time.

omit (or omitted) Scene previously there has been deleted.

one-shot (1-shot) One person on the screen.

option A buyer pays a fee for exclusive rights for a property for a specific length of time.

origin An origin story is a backstory. This is an episode depicting the origins of a series
and its characters and sets up the format.

OS (or o.s.) Off stage.

OSL Off stage left (actor’s left when facing the audience).

OSR Off stage right (actor’s right when facing the audience).

OTS Over the shoulder.

outline A plan or blueprint. (A) In cartoons this is a more detailed telling of the story than
the premise. It is less detailed and shorter than the final script. This is a narrative descrip-
tion of the action with scenes, gags, a sprinkling of dialogue, and usually a few camera angles
indicated. (B) In multimedia an outline is used instead to describe the content of a website.

overlays (OL or OLAY) Levels that go on top of other levels, giving dimension (such as
a bush that’s in front of the animated characters). In traditional animation overlays are
inked, photocopied, or pasted onto cels.

over-the-shoulder (OTS) The camera or viewer is positioned to look over the shoulder of
a character to see the action.

package More than one creative element of a project is already in place, such as a writer
and a popular actor for the voice of the main character in a feature.

pan shots Pan stands for panorama view. Panning is a change in location, not in time. In
traditional animation the background moves but the camera does not. If the BG is panned
to the right we seem to be moving to the left, and vice versa. Suns and moons are avoided
in the BG, as pan BGs are often used in cycles that repeat! In traditional animation, panning
and trucking at the same time are difficult for the camera. Forty-eight inches is the average
pan BG length.

pass (A) The polite way buyers have of saying they don’t want to buy your series, script,
or idea for an episode. (B) In traditional animation the artwork may take multiple expo-
sures, or passes, of the camera to get special effects like ghosts, mist, and so on.

330 Glossary

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