The Educational System In Islam

(Ann) #1
Warning Against Parsimony

Islam hasstruggled and warnedagainstthis aspect. The Quran and
the prophetic traditions refer to this topic in many texts. God says:
Those who are niggardly and bid people to be niggardly and hide
what Allah has given to them out of His grace.
is worse for them. They shall have that whereof they were niggardly
made to cleave totheir necks on the resurrection day.
Many prophetic texts condemn parsimony.
The Prophet(s) said,"Theparsimoniousisremotefrom Godandre-
mote from the Paradise.". "Parsimony is a tree rooted in the hell-fire.
killed each other, violated the forbidden, and cut off their relations.".
weeds out the heart amiability."
of every lechery and blotch.

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