The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



The Stages to Achieving Freedom Well Earned

Dan Conlon


etwork marketing is the great equalizer. People of diverse back-
grounds find new opportunity in network marketing every day. I
know a woman who owned a residential cleaning business who
now makes millions from her network marketing business. I know a
CEO of a $300 million company who replaced his seven-figure income and
found new opportunity and freedom through his networking business. I
have seen people from all backgrounds—teachers, lawyers, medical doc-
tors, realtors, hotel bellmen, blue-collar workers, and men and women
from all levels of the corporate world—find freedom through network mar-
keting. All have a personal story about their success that is both instructive
and inspiring. Each of them faced unique personal challenges and obstacles
while building their businesses. Overcoming these personal challenges is
the price you pay for your freedom. Each of them now enjoys a great
lifestyle and uncommon success, filled with personal satisfaction and free-
dom. Each of them earned their freedom and lifestyle through hard work,
commitment, focus, and persistence.
It doesn’t matter what you have or haven’t accomplished in the past,
how long your resume is, what education credentials you have or don’t have;
it is about knowledge and action. Freedom is about choice and a decision to
act. Your commitment to take action and learn from your results and consis-
tently pursue your goals will determine your level of success. I believe every-
one can commit to an action plan and achieve a new level of personal success.
The freedom achieved through network marketing is unparalleled.
During my 20-year experience in network marketing, I have had to do
battle with my own fears and insecurities, modify my own bad habits and at-
titudes, and struggle with my lack of any real business training. My success
has been as much about mastering myself and developing the proper disci-
pline and attitudes as it has been about developing the fundamentals of build-
ing a network marketing business. I find that as I meet these challenges for
myself, I am better equipped to help others.
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