The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

to play chess. You have to learn the basics first. Each piece on the board does
something completely different, and you need to learn how to deploy them ef-
fectively. Knowing how the pieces move is not enough; you also have to re-
spond to your opponent’s moves. As you progress, you begin to learn
different strategies to respond to each situation. It takes time, a willingness to
learn, and patience.
Success in network marketing is greatly facilitated by a well-developed
training program, one that has proven effective in helping people reach their
goals. Spend time with your sponsor and upline to learn the basics of their
system for retailing, recruiting, and training. One of the benefits of a network
marketing business is that you join a network, a group of men and women
who have been in the business longer than you and have a track record of suc-
cess that you can duplicate. Follow their lead and you won’t have to reinvent
the system. Your upline also has a financial interest in helping you reach your
goals. You can look to your upline leaders to teach you the system they have
developed to support your company’s duplication process. They can’t make
you successful but should be willing to help you get started right. Your goal is
to learn all you can from them while you’re starting your business, and then
develop your own proficiency, independence, and freedom. You are in busi-
ness for yourself but not by yourself.
The business model of network marketing works. Learning how to suc-
cessfully navigate the terrain of building a business may require different
amounts of time, energy, and effort. Typically, people start their networking
businesses part-time. In stage one you will focus on developing confidence in
your company and in the industry of network marketing. Learn your product
line. Develop basic marketing and promotional skills. Learn how to invite,
qualify interest, set appointments, present your business, and pursue follow-
through strategies, and how to most effectively enroll new members onto
your team. Depending on your current skills and experience, this may be easy
or may require a commitment of time and energy to develop the fundamental
skills for success. Stage one is the initial building phase. You will learn, teach,
master, and train others to use these basics throughout your career.

Action Plan

Developing an action plan for your business is the first step toward success.
Write down all the reasons and motivations that describe why you chose to
start a business. Your well-thought-through reasons will become the driving
force behind your success. Define your purpose for being in business and a vi-
sion of where you’re going. Set goals for immediate action. Set a specific
schedule of your work hours. It is easier to get off to a fast start and build
consistently than it is to start slowly with an inconsistent effort. Consistency
is a behavior or a principle of success that is critical to a good start. Following


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