The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Through the years I have worked with individuals with proven skills
who quickly climbed to the top of our profession and made it look easy. It is
always exciting to work with people like this. They paid a price for develop-
ing skills somewhere else and brought those skills to the opportunity. I have
also worked with people who were new to business, marketing, and promo-
tion and watched them struggle with their own fears and personal issues. But
by making the commitment to work on the fundamentals of our business
model and stay focused on their goals, many have earned a level of freedom
they had only dreamed possible. Frankly, I have also seen people of capacity
do it all wrong, get frustrated, start and quit all within their first month. Suc-
cess is not determined by what you think you know about network market-
ing, but by learning simple, proven methods that work. So, if you are willing
to work for a better life and more personal freedom, network marketing may
be the perfect solution and business model to give all that you are looking for
and more.
We often learn more from our mistakes than our triumphs. Experience
usually begins with failures and disappointments, which if seen as opportuni-
ties for learning can be used to fuel new successes and develop new skills and
abilities. The harder you work, the more experience you gain. The more expe-
rience you gain, the smarter you work and the more successful you’ll become.
My goal is to share with you a road map to develop the requisite skills and
abilities needed for success, and to introduce you to the three different stages
of business development.
Some people start a network marketing business to develop a part-time
business to earn additional income. Others want to replace their full-time in-
come and make a career change. Yet others will embrace the upside potential
of network marketing and the power of leveraged income and build true
wealth. That’s your choice, and the plan of action you develop will reflect
your goals. I have had the good fortune to work with a group of men and
women, my upline, who have earned more than $250 million in personal in-
come from their networking businesses. What I have learned from them has
been invaluable, and what I have learned from my own experience in building
a network marketing business has changed me forever. It helps to have men-
tors and coaches around to guide and support growth. Whether your goals
are big or small, grand or humble, welcome to the adventure of a lifetime.


Getting started is the most difficult part of any new venture. Adding some-
thing new to an already busy life and career can seem impossible at times.
Stage one will demand more from you than you would give to a regular job.
But it is yourbusiness, and the rewards are worth the effort. It’s like learning

The Stages to Achieving Freedom Well Earned 79
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