The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

I did all five things, and my business was still at zero. I found out that all
of these things are great hobbies, but when you are face-to-face talking with
prospects, they don’t work.
Now I know what you are thinking. Not only are you skeptical, but you
are also thinking, “Wait a minute! I read a motivational book every morning,
I play CDs in my car on how to be more positive, I do running high fives with
my downline, I jump off a chair every morning waving my bonus check while
singing the company song... and you’re telling me these things don’t work?”
Yes. When you are face-to-face, talking with prospects, these things
don’t work.
Skeptical? Take this test.

  1. When you first got started in network marketing, did you have a
    good attitude? Did you think, “Yeah, I think I can do this”?

  2. When you first got started in network marketing, did you have a
    strong belief in your company? Did you think it was a great company?

  3. When you first got started in network marketing, did you set some
    goals? Did you plan to get some extra paychecks, a new car, quit
    your job, or travel?

  4. When you first got started in network marketing, were you moti-
    vated? Did you feel like saying, “Yeah! Fire the boss! This is my

  5. When you first got started in network marketing, were you positive?
    Did you say, “Yes! Here is my money. Let me get started now.”

And finally, how fast did you get started?
If you are like most people, you will admit that you had a good attitude,
had a strong belief in your business, set goals, had personal motivation, and
were positive... but you still started slow.
And now, the attendees at the workshop realize the problem. Even
though they had these five great assets, they still weren’t successful. And then
I tell them what made the difference for me.
In my case, I was missing a little thing called skills. Skills are knowing
exactly what to say, and exactly what to do when talking to a prospect. And if
you don’t have skills, well, it’s going to be a hard, hard career.
Let me give you an example. Imagine you go to the greatest motiva-
tional workshop in the history of mankind. At the end of the workshop,
you’re levitating. You are floating one foot above the ground and simply
glowing with enthusiasm and motivation. So you levitate out of the building,
you levitate down the sidewalk, and you levitate right up to the very first
prospect you see, and... you smile. You glow. You vibrate with enthusiasm.
But you don’t say a word. Do you think the prospect is going to say, “Hey, let

You Are Only a Couple of Sentences Away from Terrific Success 87
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