The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

our partnerships and personal growth that is fundamental to business
My top five values today are: contribution, compassion, creativity, love,
and gratitude. These are posted in capital letters in the front of my daily plan-
ner. As I plan my week and set goals for the months ahead, I want to know
that I am living a life that fulfills my foundation values. I want the hours of
my day to reflect contribution and love, my evenings to include rituals of grat-
itude, and my life to have ample downtime for spontaneous creativity. As I re-
flect on the past week and my accomplishments and mishaps, I evaluate with
compassion and refocus with love.
This week, in my business, I am running a raffle for the Children’s
Hunger Fund during a public education event on Saturday. What a great op-
portunity for contribution. I have sent gratitude cards to two new friends
who gave me opportunities to speak about my business. This afternoon I
have carved time from busyness to finish writing this article that combines
creativity with contribution. Every Sunday, I free the day to love my family:
watching soccer games, helping with homework and chores, making soup
for the week. This Sunday is all about my daughter’s 12-year-old birthday
bash and spa facials with some of our new products! I have love and grati-
tude for this network marketing business that allows me multiple opportuni-
ties every day to live my life by my own values and to share that opportunity
and intention with many others whose hearts yearn to live authentically on
their own terms.

Shannon Anima stumbled into network marketing after resisting it vociferously
as her best friend tried every company and plan that came her way. Like so
many others, she accidentally became a network marketer after struggling for a
long time with the symptoms of the “woman who does too much” disorder. She
was exhausted and ill, and while visiting a friend, tried her latest products to
combat a lingering case of the flu. Within that first month, symptoms she had
had for many years seemed to fall away and she had more energy than she had
felt in a very long time.
You know the rest of the story: those weekly checks, and the joy of help-
ing others to regain their health and to establish financial security. At the time
she began her network marketing career, she had a very strong reason for join-
ing: She needed the products and needed groceries. Shannon was living in a run-
down trailer, and was a single mom to two terrific daughters.
She believes that with determination, honesty, and a dream, any of us
can shift our life direction through the gift of network marketing. These
days, Shannon has a snug writing room in her home by the ocean. She offers

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