The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

If they have a few questions, get them to a meeting or on a three-way
call with your sponsor.

Fifth Skill: Three-Way Calling

A three-way call is when you, your prospect, and a third person get on one
phone call together. Here’s an example of the three-way call.

You: “Mr. Sponsor, this is Bob. Bob, this is Mr. Sponsor, my partner I
told you about.”
Sponsor:“Julie tells me you are interested in an income opportunity and
have a few questions. The money part of our business is very excit-
ing, but before I tell you my story and answer your questions, let me
ask you this: What has Julie done with you so far?”

And here’s the magic—the moment of truth and why this works so well.

Prospect:“Well, Julie asked me if I’d be interested in making an extra
paycheck from home. I said yes. She then asked me to listen to a CD.
After a few days, I did. She then asked me what I like best. I told her
the money and that I had a few questions. She then put me on the
phone with you.”
Sponsor:“Excellent. Let me ask you this: Is there anything that Julie did
with you that you can’t see yourself doing with someone else?”

Bingo. Suddenly prospect Bob realizes he will not have to become an ex-
pert on this business or on the product to effectively build an extra weekly
paycheck with your company. The rest is easy. The sponsor shares his or her
story, answers any questions, and ends the call with:

Sponsor:“Is there anything else you need to know before you get

If Bob says yes, the sponsor answers the questions and then again asks:
“Is there anything else you need to know before you get started?”
Once Bob says all his questions have been answered and he is ready to
get started, the sponsor turns the call over to Julie and lets her help Bob get
started in the business.
And it gets better! During the process you are also training your distrib-
utor, Julie. She is learning the answers to the most frequently asked questions
so that after 10 or 15 three-way calls she’ll be able to do three-way calls with
her new distributors.


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