The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

While trying to expand your network, there will be moments when you
will think, “I am going nowhere fast.” Relax. To become a successful network
marketer, first realize that there is nowhere you must go in order to meet the
right people. That’s right. You do not have to go to a chamber of commerce
event, an industry meeting, or a financial workshop to succeed. Instead of
traveling to networking events, save time, money, and frustration by encour-
aging others to bring the right people to you!


To stay energized and moving your network marketing business forward as
you create your message and learn the rules of networking, I ask people to
follow what I call the “three rules to live by.” These three rules act as a re-
minder to continually focus your message and let others help you achieve the
success you deserve.
The three rules to live by for network marketing success are:

  1. Speak from your passion.

  2. Listen to others.

  3. Write down their ideas.

Surveys have shown that 99 percent of working people dislike their
jobs. Speaking from your passion is a great technique to grab people’s atten-
tion. Tell everyone what you truly love about the product or service you are
selling. Just by revealing your passion, you entice people to listen to you. The
best way to communicate your passion is to focus on your intent. What are
you truly trying to accomplish? Write down how your business will benefit
other people. People cannot argue with benefits. Instead, they will begin to
share your vision and goals and then try to figure out a way to help you.
This action also energizes you to keep going when times get rough. Pas-
sion establishes a foundation of believability and possibility. Any questions peo-
ple have about your ability to deliver on your promises become diminished.
Listen to other people; they have the contacts, strategies, and informa-
tion that can help you move forward faster. By listening, you make them part
of your sales team. People love it when their ideas are recognized and appreci-
ated. This does not mean you have to act on all the ideas presented. People
want to be heard, but they also understand that you are the one who deter-
mines the right action to take.
Write down all the ideas presented to you. Get into the habit of asking
for referrals. Ask others for ideas on how you can best build your network
marketing business. The first four letters of listenare LIST. Circumstances


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