The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Over time, I have received many questions about e-mail prospecting,
how to get past the spam filters, how to use autoresponders, and more. So if
you want answers to any of those questions and step-by-step training on how
to use autoresponders, plus a sequence of letters completely written for you,
visit for more details.
I’ve made tens of thousands of dollars using autoresponders in my busi-
ness. Not a week goes by where I don’t make money from something loaded
into my autoresponder. It’s a beautiful thing! All of the sorting, prospecting,
and selling is done by my autoresponder, not me. Thanks to technology, the e-
mails look like they are coming directly from me and are even personalized
with the first name of the recipient.
With that having been said, do not be overwhelmed by the idea of creat-
ing a massive amount of messages. Even though some of my autoresponder
sequences send messages for over a year, I certainly didn’t start that way. I
added a new message every week, or once a month. If you do the same, before
you know it you’ll have a great autoresponder making you sales and appoint-
ments month in, month out.
Here’s an important tip: Most people ask for only a name and e-mail
address when creating autoresponder sign-up forms for their web site. This is
a huge mistake—and one I used to make. With spam filters proliferating and
the government slowly getting more and more involved in regulating e-mail,
you should be capturing your prospect’s complete contact information. That
includes address, phone number, fax number, and the like. If you’re putting all
your eggs into one basket, you’re going to be in big trouble with e-mail deliv-
ery problems down the road. I’m slowly collecting full contact information
for all of my prospects now, and you should, too.



Okay, so in a chapter about Internet methods, why am I talking about using
postcards in your business? Simple. Thanks to the Internet you can now use
inexpensive, effective direct mail in your business and never have to touch a
postcard or lick a stamp. Using the United Status Postal Service, you can
now send dirt-cheap postcards right from your home computer (visit for details). The only catch is that the recipient has
to be in the United States, although I predict that will change in the future.
With e-mail not being as reliable as it used to be and with spam on the rise,
your mailbox is less overflowing than it ever has been. In fact, I just read a
study showing direct-mail response rates at an all-time high. So what are you
waiting for?


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