The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

There are many types of display setups available to fit almost everyone’s
needs. The factors to be considered are: the number of uses per year, local
availability or need to transport on an airplane, the type of shows involved,
and the overall cost.

  • Simple display.This would be for a table booth used for a small
    show, such as a church booth or health club. This may be appropri-
    ate for a once or twice a year need. Office supply stores such as Of-
    fice Depot, Office Max, or Staples have a variety of inexpensive
    displays. There are board displays that can be purchased for under
    $10 and could be a fit for limited use for those with a lower budget.
    There are also sturdier and more attractive three- to six-panel inter-
    locking displays. We have this model for local use where space is lim-
    ited. It can be used as a stand-alone model to stand on the floor
    behind the table, or it will also fit on a six-foot table. The fabric pan-
    els readily accept posters, signs, or anything that has Velcro tape
    added to the back. This allows flexibility of your display usage.

  • Higher-quality display.Banner stands with graphics of your choice
    have become popular. They fold down like a window shade and are
    very compact for traveling. They come in various widths, and a halo-
    gen light can be added. The banner-style display can augment any
    other type of display or be used in multiples as your primary display.
    Their cost is somewhat higher and would be recommended for those
    people who do a considerable number of shows a year.

  • Collapsible displays.This can be table-top height or taller for a free-
    standing display. There is a great advantage because it folds into a
    compact container. If you are traveling by air, a smaller container
    (without wheels) can possibly be checked as a piece of luggage.
    Larger display cases would require additional airline costs. It is a
    good idea to check the dimensions with the airline you travel with
    the most. The advantage of this type of display for multiple annual
    usages is that it looks professional and can save you considerable
    rental costs.

With the larger shows, you will need two draped tables, one for the dis-
play and one for materials, products, and the like. We place one table toward
the back of the booth space and one table on the side. We want it to be open
and inviting for people to come into the area. A tall stool can be used in an
area that permits optimal flow of traffic. This allows everyone to take turns
sitting when the traffic is slower. The tall stool is closer to eye level and you

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