The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

can readily stand up to be with someone who shows interest. If you are doing
only one major trade show a year, you have an option of renting various types
of displays that can save you the initial costs plus the handling and shipping
of the display. Skyline Exhibits, a worldwide company (www.skyline-exhibits
.com), has the largest variety of displays. You also may inquire about any
used units from any of the display stores in your area. The display we pur-
chased was a used and refurbished display, and we have been using it for over
three years.
Once you arrive at the show, it’s time to set up your display and make it
as attractive as possible. We like the display to be eye-catching and not clut-
tered. A nice clean display is attractive and inviting. Design your graphics to
be bold and easy to read. Large eye-catching signs in bold print across the dis-
play should outline benefits for the participants. This will draw people to
your booth. Some statistics show that signs with a red border are read 26 per-
cent faster than others. Who you are and what you have to offer should be
the main components. An attractive display of the products you are selling al-
ways invites curiosity. We usually display products on different levels set off
by a sparkly gold or metallic blue fabric. Mirrors and shelves are also good
for eye-catching displays.


The booth is set up and the exhibition opens. There are several keys for mak-
ing this a success. Have fun! Make this the only place you want to be today
and convey that to the prospects. Dress professionally. This will vary with
the type of show. Some shows will be khakis and golf shirts and others will
be suits; dress accordingly. Since you are on your feet most of the day, the
choice of shoes can make a huge difference in how comfortable you are. In
this case, choose comfort over fashion so you don’t need to limp out of the
exhibit hall at the end of the day. Overdressing or underdressing can be
equally disastrous. Stand at the front of the booth with your clipboard and
pen in hand and invite people in with a handshake and a greeting. You need
to be outgoing and have a short sentence to invite people into the booth to
show them what you have to offer. Greet them and ask questions—then lis-
ten to the answers. You have an average of 60 seconds in a show to hear
what the prospect wants and show someone that you have what they are
looking for. Three to five minutes is the maximum time you can hold their at-
tention. People generally have a limited amount of time and an agenda. Suc-
cess will be greater if you meet their needs rather than your own. Ask the
questions that will get them to tell you about themselves and cannot be an-
swered with a yes or a no. If you have a product that can be sampled on the
spot, that is always a good opener. Tell stories; this increases the odds that


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