The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

they will remember you. Summarize frequently and talk about the benefits
rather than the features of your products. Before they leave the booth have a
solid commitment for a follow-up time and a contact person and be certain
to fulfill that commitment.
We suggest using lead-generation cards that are printed on card stock so
that people can fill them out anywhere if there is a rush. You want them to in-
clude the information that is specific to your product or service. It is also good
to have the basics such as name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail, and
best time to call, who to speak with, and so on. We also ask about special in-
terests and if they have an interest in the financial opportunity.
Some of the larger professional shows have lead-generation machines.
The participants have a card with their name on it that resembles a credit
card. When this is scanned through the machine, it prints out their basic in-
formation, such as name, address, telephone, e-mail, and fax. These sheets
can be stapled to your lead-generation cards where you will have more per-
sonal information. We highly recommend these machines. Using one avoids
the possibility of getting home and not being able to read someone’s hand-
writing. It also allows you more time to talk with each person as they aren’t
wasting time writing down mundane information.
We limit the amount of things we hand out. You’ll quickly see that
most of your handouts go right in the trash, or they hit that round recepta-
cle when the participant gets home. We typically hand out one sheet of in-
formation and make certain that it contains our contact information. We
mail the information we deem important immediately so prospects have
something they will remember. We have business cards available, and also
attach them to everything we sell. We print our business cards and have our
picture on them. We also use these in every mailing in the belief that will jog
their memory. Another person we work with uses very bright-colored cards
that she has printed. They are attractive and she feels they are less likely to
be thrown away.


After-the-show follow-up is an important element to ensure your success.
We get a package of information to each individual immediately the week
we return from the show. We enclose a letter thanking them for stopping by
along with some of the information they requested at the show. If you con-
sider your prospect to be a potential star for you and your company, con-
sider mailing Priority Mail. This method of delivery is always opened. We
send out a second mailing very soon after the first mailing. This is the time
to send your four-color brochures and one or two information sheets. You
can follow up a few days later with more information that fits the particular

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