The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Posture, Process, and

Perspective Create Profits

Scotty Kufus


he three concepts that have shaped my thinking, communicating and
peace of mind during my career are posture, process, and perspective.
Posture is how you stand, think, and communicate in the face of uncer-
tainty and how that makes other people feel at that moment. Process is
the method or plan you intend to follow to accomplish your purpose despite
the short-term distractions, obstacles, and shortcomings you may currently
possess. Perspective is a point of view at a given period of time. To be a vision-
ary and a powerful leader, you must be able to see short-term and long-term
perspective at the same time. This will give you balance.
How do we nourish these skills and attitudes? How do we incorporate
them into our daily action plans? How do we teach these skills to others?
These are great questions to be more clearly understood in the coming pages.



Let us start with posturing. It is a great deal like parenting. I have recently be-
come a parent of a little boy. Aaron is now two. He is learning things every
day—new words, ideas, hand signals, and attitudes. How I behave around
him, how I choose my words, even the expression on my face has an impact
on how he behaves. In other words, how I posture myself affects his choices.
At a very fundamental level, that is what happens to us all every day when we
communicate with anyone.
We are the main cause in the cause-and-effect equation. You can be a
victim or take responsibility for your life and success. You can posture
yourself more effectively by taking on the responsibility and belief that
you can always alter, amend, or improve a circumstance based on your

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