The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

network marketing is that it usually involves working with a very under-
trained sales force. The majority of successful people in network marketing
did not have any sales background when they began. They treated it like a
profession from the beginning and created a professional income. To be suc-
cessful, you must learn the process, understand the posture, and have a solid
perspective over time to develop a sizable and profitable organization.


Sales is the process of providing value for a price. The more value that is cre-
ated for the particular offering, the easier it will be to generate the sale. One
of the keys to being a successful sales professional is to offer greater value
than the cost. The more value you offer, the higher the likelihood people will
want to buy. That is why the world is obsessed with the word free. The Inter-
net is loaded with free promotions—free samples, free quotes, free food, and
the like. People have been conditioned to bargain hunt, and there is no greater
bargain than free!
Consider how you can use the value equation the next time you sell
something in your network marketing organization. What extraordinary
value can you offer—more training, more products, tickets to your company’s
next event, a free dinner? Look at how you can increase the value. A great
idea that has worked for many of my successful network marketing friends is
they agree to send 10 to 20 introduction packages out on their prospects’ be-
half if they agree to join at a certain level. Come in at the $500 level and I will
do this. Come in for $200 and I will do that. Figure out the value equation
and make your prospects a compelling offer.


A bad attitude with good activity wins over a good attitude with no activity. I
know a great number of nice, talented, and motivated people in network mar-
keting who make absolutely no money! Why? No activity! This is simple
stuff. I also have a few friends who are very grumpy, short with people on the
phone, busy, and rarely return phone calls, and they make from $250,000 to
$900,000 a year in this industry. Why? High levels of activity. They only fo-
cus on working with the willing. They don’t talk long on the phone, but they
talk with lots of people. Activity is the process, the dirty work in the network
marketing business. It all comes down to repeating the right steps every day. If
one commits to consistent daily action, success will follow. Imagine what
combining a great attitude with massive action will accomplish!

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits 267
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