The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

Determine what types of actions result in success in your network marketing
company. It could be getting people on conference calls. It might be going to
training or opportunity meetings, or selling product at salons or to chiroprac-
tors. Whatever it is, do it and do it consistently, six days a week if you can.
Prospecting is not something you do; it’s a way of life! You have to stay com-
mitted to it. An athlete works out, a musician plays an instrument, a singer
practices notes and octaves, an artist paints, a writer writes. What exactly do
you do? Define it, write it on a piece of paper, put it on your wall, and commit
to it for 90 days, and your life will change forever.



In sales, there are certain fundamental laws. Network marketing seems to am-
plify their importance because we are dealing with people’s hopes and dreams
and they guard them closely and rarely expose them for others to see. When
they do reveal them or are at risk by investing some time or money, these laws
become critical to understand and apply.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that for things to be attracted, you must be at-
tractive. That doesn’t mean you have to wear a special suit or look a certain
way. It means whatever you are selling, sharing, or giving away must have a
value that is obvious to the other party. Sometimes network marketing com-
panies’ products and opportunities have weaknesses, flaws that may be obvi-
ous to some people and not to others. It may be the compensation plan, the
product price, the competitive environment, the web site, company history, or
lack of company longevity. The point is if you don’t have a pretty face, then
learn how to sing! Figure out what is attractive to others and talk about it
with passion.
It is important that you can tell anyone what you like best about your
company in 10 seconds or less.

The reason I like Company XYZ is _____________. The products
have done _____________ for me and my family. We are on track
to earn _____________ dollars in the next few months, and it’s
fun, simple, and profitable. Do you know anyone who wants to
have fun, make money, and experience ______________?


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