The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

exponential growth you will have. The law of increasing returns is the oppo-
site of “get rich quick.” The key is to stay committed after picking a company
that has systems in place, offers quality tools and events, and has leadership
providing support.
You must be willing to change, knowing that you are a work in
progress. You will be better tomorrow than you are today, wiser, more effec-
tive, kinder, and richer. You will have more knowledge and a better attitude
through perspective and process. Your posture will improve. Your contact
base will increase. Your sales volume will soar, and you will realize that you
are on the path to greatness. It can be a rocky, dirty, and steep path, but many
before you have climbed it. You can, too. Take action, set your course in mo-
tion, and be willing to grow and listen and learn. You have to believe that you
are only a few months away from a tremendous growth spurt. Take action
and your faith will be rewarded.

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits 271

100 calls

60 prospects

30 customers

20 distributors

10 active ones

5 great leaders...

then, start 5 more profit tunnels.

Figure 35.1 The Funnel Concept

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