The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

do not share the real reason they are interested at the beginning. It often takes
several weeks to find out. That is the law of the farm at work.

Law of Averages and the Funnel Concept

The law of averages is the single most powerful lesson to learn in terms of
sales. There are three fundamental rules that apply to the law of averages:

  1. Exposure is everything.

  2. Fortune is in the follow-up.

  3. Work with the willing.

Once you employ these concepts, you will be well on your way to success.
You have to share the business, use the products, and talk to people. Expose
your products to others in any way you can. It is best to have at least 100 con-
versations in 30 days to produce momentum in your business. (See Figure 35.1.)
Commit to at least three conversations a day. Success results from follow-up. A
third of the people are not interested, a third of the people will try the product,
and a third of the people want to know more about the money. Work with the
ones who are ready now. For now, forget about the ones who are not ready or
don’t want to be customers. We will go back to them later. Right now, you are
looking for the willing—people who want to take action now. You will only
need to spend a fraction of the time with a motivated, teachable person than
you will with someone who needs to be convinced that you have a good oppor-
tunity. Working with the willing will make you more money in a shorter period
of time (with fewer headaches) than anything else you do.

Law of Inertia

In network marketing, we somehow duplicate ourselves whether we like it or
not. Once you begin to take action, the world around you changes. People
need to see you active to believe that you are a leader. You can not talk about
leadership—you can only demonstrate leadership. I have gone through peri-
ods of my life when I was a leader and times when I was a follower. People
need to see you lead. Take action quickly, consistently, and passionately for
three months. It will change your life forever when you realize that it’s only
100 days to freedom and just 1,000 days to fortune.

Law of Increasing Returns

At the end of the day, success in network marketing is all about delivering
value. The more conversations you have, the more lives you touch, the more


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