The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Bring the Right Attitude to

Your Network Marketing Experience

John Terhune


aving spent a decade of my life in the field building downline organi-
zations, I feel comfortable in telling you that it is impossible to build a
successful organization without a consistent, fantastic attitude that in-
spires others to do what they would not have done without you as an
attitude role model. Let’s face something right now. Network marketing is
more about failure and stumbling than it is about victories and the fast track.
Don’t be discouraged by that description from a field-tested veteran. Rather,
understand that struggle and failure are a part of success in any great en-
deavor. Don’t shy away from that aspect of success. Embrace it and know
that the development, maintenance, and protection of a great attitude can
dramatically enhance your likelihood of a major life victory in network mar-
keting. Here is why.
One of the most powerful resources available to human beings is their
attitude. A person’s attitude touches in a positive or negative way every part
of one’s life. It affects people’s relationships, their physical and mental energy,
their stamina, their self-image, their work habits, their willingness to try
something new and challenging, their ability to deal with stressful situations,
their degree of happiness, and of course their ability to achieve beyond their
current circumstances. Give me a distributor with average talents and a great
attitude any day over the enormously talented person with a bad or even an
average attitude. Of all the physical and mental traits possessed by human be-
ings that will separate one person from the next, attitude stands alone as the
great divider between average performance and peak performance. Men and
women who truly work at creating and then protecting a great attitude will
ultimately achieve far more than the person who does not understand the vi-
tal nature of this ingredient of success.
So what exactly is a positive attitude? How does one acquire it? Based
on both my field and consultant perspective, I would say a positive attitude is
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