The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1



Creating a Winning Strategy for

Your Network Marketing Business

Cliff Walker


n the excitement to launch a potentially lucrative business, the temptation
is to take a “fire, ready, aim!” approach and dive right in. But if you don’t
take a good look first and account for what lies below the surface, you
could be setting yourself up for a painful experience.
One of the wonderful things about network marketing is that the most
important factor in the success equation is the person running the business—
you. You don’t need a lot of money or fancy office space or great connections
to make a go of it. What you do need, however, is a plan that enables you to
make the most of the resources in your possession.
There is no magic formula or instructions carved in stone for putting
together a strategy. The major task of a strategy, however, is to establish a
clear purpose and direction for your business. In this chapter we will learn
about the nine key tasks that need to be completed in order to construct
and customize your own strategy. The nine key tasks fall into nine areas
and are:

  1. Life priorities. Clearly state the priorities that are important to you
    as you look to the future.

  2. Purpose. Clearly state your reasons for building the business, your
    overall purpose, and what you are striving to achieve.

  3. Vision. Create a vision of what you want your future to be and com-
    municate it to everyone associated with your business.

  4. Core values. Identify your core values and use them to drive behav-
    ior and as the criteria for decision making.

  5. Core skills. Identify your core skills and the skills that are required
    for success. Leverage these skills to establish competitive advantage
    in the marketplace.

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