The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

  1. Marketplace. Examine the marketplace in which you operate, deter-
    mine the threats and opportunities, and then select target markets to
    capitalize on. Be clear about how you intend to penetrate your cho-
    sen markets.

  2. System. Ensure the provision of a system that meets the needs of
    your team in the markets where you will be required to support the
    implementation of your business strategy.

  3. Key interfaces. Identify key internal and external interfaces, assess
    their impact on your business, and develop effective strategies to de-
    termine and address their needs and interests.

  4. Key resources. Identify the tangible and intangible resources that are
    key to your business, and ensure an adequate supply of them.

Individuals vary in how far along they are in the development of the key
areas. Most of us like to focus on what we’re best at and maybe take care of
the rest as we go along. We should, in fact, pay the closest attention to the ar-
eas where we are weakest; for it is here that our strategy is in the most danger
of coming apart.
The questionnaire that follows is designed to help you assess where you
are in the different areas needed for a coherent strategy and identify just
where it is you need to focus. Once the questionnaire is completed and you
have a good general picture of where you are, the rest of the chapter will ad-
dress each of the nine key tasks in turn.



This simple questionnaire is designed to help you assess how far along you
are in the development of a complete strategy for your network marketing
business. The score you give yourself after completing it does not reflect
how well or how poorly you are doing. Indeed, it is possible to be very suc-
cessful with no strategy at all in place (though rare). The intent is to help
you get started in the process, or flesh out what you have already done, and
call attention to the areas you can key in on in order to make your business
more successful.
Be sure to respond to every statement and be completely honest in
your answers. Remember, the aim here is not to grade you, but to assist
you in reaching your goals. Beginning with the first two questions, each
pair of questions corresponds to one of the nine areas listed earlier, in the
order given.


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