The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

person wants to go and then help him or her get there. And, remember, once
your team members achieve milestone goals be sure to celebrate their success.


So many times, celebration is reserved for only an organization’s top earners,
when in reality celebration is for everyone at their individual level of accom-
plishment. When team members are approached this way, you will motivate
them to continue to push toward increased success. So celebrate the little suc-
cesses as well as the monumental successes in each person’s life.
An effective system must also tie into a company’s recognition program.
Everyone wants to be recognized for accomplishments in their lives, and no
other industry celebrates recognition like the network marketing industry.
The final and perhaps most important part of a great system is constant
communication with new enrollees, particularly during the first 90 days.
Make a personal commitment to help your new enrollees stay on track with
their goals and commitments. Reinforce the knowledge that they are in busi-
ness for themselves, but not by themselves. You are there to support them,
and the company is there to support them. When you invest yourself in build-
ing relationships with your team members, you will find that you gain much
more than a stellar income. You will also enjoy a high level of trust, loyalty,
and lifelong friendships. This type of relationship building reinforces the
knowledge that regardless of any bumps in the road to success that your orga-
nization faces, it can weather the storm.
Perhaps the most appealing and unique aspect of network marketing is
that, in an age of faceless, cold electronic business transactions, relationship
building—actually getting to know people and valuing them as individuals—
is the bedrock of a successful business. Relationships intertwined with a pow-
erful business system form an unbreakable cord, and together, any challenges
you and your team may encounter on the journey toward unlimited success
can be overcome.

Mark Stevens is the CEO and president of Vision for Life International, a seven-
year-old nutritional supplement network marketing company that enjoys a sig-
nificant presence in the United States, Philippines, Nigeria, Hong Kong, and
Canada. After becoming the president of a multimillion-dollar worldwide com-
pany at the age of just 16, Mr. Stevens has successfully built multimillion-dollar
companies as well as successful network marketing organizations of thousands.

The Power of a Great System 47
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