The Ultimate Guide to Network Marketing

(John Hannent) #1

in front of you (with the help of others on your team). And little by little, the
confounding pieces of the jigsaw puzzle slowly convert from a mess on the
table into smaller visions of what the industry is all about. The clarity of what
network marketing is all about will unfold if you have the patience to stick to
putting the puzzle together. If you quit too soon, you’ll never see or under-
stand what the game truly is.
The foundation for your success is already in place inside the essence of
your being. You have what it takes to put a jigsaw puzzle together. Your suc-
cess will result from your decision to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
The benefits of doing all the hard work necessary to succeed include re-
tiring in the next few years with a handsome income, driving the vehicle you
want, living in your dream house, becoming a public speaker, winning free va-
cations, giving your family everything they could wish for, and so on. All of
this is waiting for those who decide to reprogram their habits for success.
One of my mentors used to say, “To know, and not to do... is not to
know!” At first I did not quite understand this personal development mes-
sage. But if you reread the phrase a few times, it becomes crystal clear. We
know that we shouldn’t procrastinate, lie, smoke, get angry at others, speed,
or eat junk food, but we often do. We know poor eating habits will make us
fat, clog our arteries, and expose us to greater disease risks. Yet we find our-
selves doing things that hold us back from achieving our true potential. Most
people fail to implement the information that they think they know.
We become what we eat. We get stressed out and our blood pressure
soars due to all the insignificant work-related projects we perform that pro-
duce little financial gain. Then we get angry because we think we’re failing,
while others on our team become angry with us for the lack of results we
Rather than despair over mistakes made, commit now to learn from
these errors in order to move your business and life in a forward direction.
We have it that our failures are bad, but we forget that it is through these
challenges that we learn our greatest life lessons. Most self-help books, tapes,
and seminars were born from the trials and errors of others. Take advantage
of these lessons learned and shared by others and eliminate the stress of need-
ing to learn them the hard way. It’s not the number of errors one makes but
how fast one gets back on track. If you fall a couple of feet, the ground isn’t
so hard; but if you fall a couple of stories, then the fall is very harmful indeed.
The earlier you catch yourself off-track, the sooner you will be able to adjust
your course. Get in the habit of looking for the signs of going in the wrong di-
rection and you will save yourself lots of money, lost time, embarrassment,
and stress. You will gain respect from your peers, and people will be more in-
clined to want to follow you. That’s what leadership is all about: having the
courage to inspire others with your vision and actions, admit when you make
mistakes, clean up the mess, and commit to doing better next time. The

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