Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

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Sufi sm and ‘Popular’ Islam 153

formation in its own right. Vorhoff (1995) is an interesting study of the sudden
eruption of writing on Alevi scripture, beliefs, history and sociology by Alevi
intellectuals. The volumes edited by Kehl-Bodrogi et al. (1997), Olsson et al.
(1998) and White and Jongerden (2003) contain numerous valuable contributions.
Olsson (1998) provides a more general discussion of the emergence of
‘scripturalist’ versions of these largely orally transmitted religious traditions.

  1. The rise of kebatinan movements, their ambivalent relations with Sufi orders and
    processes of bureaucratization in both are discussed more extensively in
    Bruinessen (2007). A useful overview of kebatinan movements and their changing
    relationship with Islam and the state is Stange (1986).


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Arberry, A. J. (1950), Sufi sm, London: George Allen and Unwin.
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York: Harper and Row, pp. 146–67.
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Birge, John Kingsley (1937), The Bektashi Order of Dervishes, London: Luzac and Co.
Bruinessen, Martin van (1992), Agha, Shaikh and State: The Social and Political
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Bruinessen, Martin van (1994), ‘The Origins and Development of Sufi Orders (tarekat) in
Southeast Asia’, Studia Islamika – Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies, 1/1: 1–23.
Bruinessen, Martin van (1998), ‘Studies of Sufi sm and the Sufi Orders in Indonesia’,
Die Welt des Islams, 38: 192–219.
Bruinessen, Martin van (1999), ‘Controversies and Polemics Involving the Sufi Orders in
Twentieth-Century Indonesia’, in Frederick De Jong and Bernd Radtke (eds), Mysticism
Contested: Thirteen Centuries of Controversies and Polemics, Leiden: Brill, pp. 705–
Bruinessen, Martin van (2005), ‘Les Pratiques religieuses dans le monde turco-iranien:
Changements et continuités’, Cahiers d’études sur la Méditerranée orientale et le
monde turco-iranien, 39–40: 101–21.
Bruinessen, Martin van (2007), ‘Saints, Politicians and Sufi Bureaucrats: Mysticism and
Politics in Indonesia’s New Order’, in Bruinessen and Howell (eds) (2007), pp.
Bruinessen, Martin van (2008), ‘After the Days of Abû Qubays: Indonesian
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5: 225–51.
Bruinessen, Martin van, and Julia D. Howell (eds) (2007), Sufi sm and the ‘Modern’ in
Islam, London: I. B. Tauris.

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