Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Excel offers Chart Wizard, which is a series of dialogue boxes that walks you through the
necessary steps to create a chart. To create a chart using the Excel Chart Wizard, follow the
procedure explained here.

  • Select the data range as was explained earlier in this chapter.

  • Click the Chart Wizard icon from the toolbar buttons.

  • Select the XY (Scatter) Chart type. The XY Chart type offers four Chart sub-type options.
    (It is important to note here that the Linechart is often mistakenly used instead of XY

  • From the four Chart sub-type options, select the “data points connected by smooth lines”
    Chart option.

  • Click on the Next button.

  • The selected data range will show in the Data Range box.

  • Click the Next button.

  • In the Chart Option dialog boxes enter the Chart title, Category (X) axis (this is the x axis
    title), Value (Y ) axis (this is the y axis title), and click the OK button.

When creating an engineering chart, whether you are using Excel or using freehand meth-
ods, you must include proper labels with proper units for each axis. The chart must also con-
tain a figure number with a title explaining what the chart represents. If more than one set of
data is plotted on the same chart, the chart must also contain a legend or list showing symbols
used for different data sets.

Example 14.6 Using the results of Example 14.1, create a graph showing the value of air density as a function
of temperature.

  1. First you will selectthe data range as shown.

14.6 Plotting with Excel 435

  1. Next, Pick the Insert tab and then select Scatter with the Smooth Lines and Markers

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