Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
moments to learn and memorize these characters. Knowing these symbols will save you
time in the long run when communicating with other students or when asking a question
of your professor. You don’t want to refer to z(zeta) as that “curly thing” when speaking
to your professor! You may also find Roman numerals in use to some extent in science and
engineering. The Greek alphabet and the Roman numerals are shown in Tables 18.2 and 18.3,

586 Chapter 18 Mathematics in Engineering

TABLE 18.1 Some Math Symbols

 Plus or positive |x| Absolute value ofx
 Minus or negative r Proportional to
 Plus or minus  Therefore
or# Multiplication Summation

 or / Division  Integral
: Ratio! Factorial, for example,
 Less than 5!  5  4  3  2  1
Greater than Delta indicating difference
V Much less than 0 Partial
W Much greater than p Pi, its value 3.1415926...
 Equal to q Infinity
 Approximately equal to Degree
Not equal to ( ) Parentheses
 Identical with [ ] Brackets
Equal to or less than { } Braces
 Equal to or greater than


TABLE 18.2 The Greek Alphabet

A a Alpha N n Nu
B b Beta  j Xi
 g Gamma O o Omicron
d Delta  p Pi
E e Epsilon P r Rho
Z z Zeta © s Sigma
H h Eta T t Ta u
 u Theta Y y Upsilon
I i Iota  f Phi
K k Kappa X x Chi or khi
 l Lambda  c Psi
M m Mu  v Omega

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