Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1

18.2 Linear Models

Linear models are the simplest form of equations commonly used to describe a wide range of
engineering situations. In this section, we first discuss some examples of engineering problems
where linear mathematical models are found. We then explain the basic characteristics of lin-
ear models.

A Linear Spring In Chapter 10, we discussed Hooke’s law, which states that, over the elastic
range, the deformation of a spring is directly proportional to the applied force, and conse-
quently to the internal force developed in the spring, according to



Fspring force (N or lb)

kspring constant (N/mm or N/cm or lb/in.)

xdeformation of the spring ( mm or cm or in.) (use units that are consistent withk)

It is clear from examining Equation (18.1) that the spring forceFdepends on how much the spring
is stretched or compressed. In mathematics,Fis called adependent variable. The spring force is
called the dependent variable because its value depends on the deformation of the springx. Consider


18.2 Linear Models 587

TABLE 18.3 Roman Numerals

I  1 XX  20
II  2 XXX  30
III  3 XL  40
IIIIor IV  4 L  50
V  5 LX  60
VI  6 LXX  70
VII  7 LXXX  80
VIII  8 XC  90
IX  9 C  100
X  10 CC  200
XI  11 CCC  300
XII  12 CCCCor CD  400
XIII  13 D  500
XIV  14 DC  600
XV  15 DCC  700
XVI  16 DCCC  800
XVII  17 CM  900
XVIII  18 M  1000
XIX  19 MM  2000




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