Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, 4th ed.c

(Steven Felgate) #1
Geometric characteristics, 259
Gift sharing, engineering ethics and, 118
Glasses, material selection and, 569 –570
Global Earth Observation System of Systems
(GEOSS), 55
Global Positioning System (GPS), 165 –166
Graphical communication, 100 –103,
504 –548. See alsoDrawing; Plotting;
Solid modeling
Boeing 777 commercial airplane,
engineering marvel, 544 –548
civil engineering, 521–522, 530 –531
dimensioning, 511–514
drawings, 101–103, 506 –548
electrical and electronic engineering, 521,
523, 530 –531
engineering use of, 101–103, 504 –507
importance of, 461– 464
isometric drawing views, 514 –517
mechanical engineering, 531–532
orthographic drawing views, 508 –511
sectional drawing views, 517–521
solid modeling, 521–528, 544 –548
symbols for, 528 –532
tolerancing, 514
Gravitation, Newton’s law of, 260 – 262
Gravitational force, 253 – 254, 260 – 267
Gravitational potential, 374 – 375
Gravity, linear acceleration and, 216 – 217
Greek alphabet as mathematical symbols,
585 –586
gridcommand, MATLAB, 482
Grouped frequency distribution, 636 – 637

Half-sectional views, 519
Hardwood, 566
Hazardous material use, engineering ethics
and, 118 –119
Heat capacity, material selection and, 59, 557
Heat transfer, 315 – 328, 379
British thermal unit (Btu), unit of,
315, 379
calorie (cal), unit of, 315, 379
coefficients, 323 – 324
conduction, 316 – 319
convection, 322 – 326
conversion and, 315 – 316
Fourier’s law, 317– 38
insulating materials, 319 – 322, 324 – 326
joule ( J), unit of, 315, 379
modes of, 316
Ohm’s law, 319 – 320
radiation, 327– 328
R-value (factor), 320 – 322, 324 – 325
temperature and, 315 – 316
thermal energy transfer as, 315 – 328, 379
thermal resistance, 319 – 322, 324 – 326

units of, 315 – 316, 379
windchill factor, 326 – 327
Heating oil, energy from, 396
Heating systems, efficiency of, 389 – 393
helpcommand, MATLAB, 471
Hertz (Hz), unit of, 210 – 211
Hidden lines, drawings, 509 –510
High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps,
366 – 367
Histograms (bar graphs), 636 – 637
holdcommand, MATLAB, 485
Home menuoption, Excel, 425
Homework presentation, 95 – 96
Hooke’s law, 255 – 257, 283 – 284
Horsepower (hp), unit of, 382 – 384
Humidity, 572
Hydraulic systems, 277– 280
Hydropower, 398 – 399
Hydrostatics, 270

Ice, material phase of, 554 –555
Ideal gas law, 311– 313
ifstatement, MATLAB, 476
if, elsestatement, MATLAB, 476 – 477
Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), 368
Illumination, 363. See alsoLighting systems
Incandescent lamps, 364 – 365
Independent variables, 588 –589, 616
Indirect estimation of volume, 184
Indoor air quality (IAQ), 79 – 81
Initial conditions, 259, 267, 624 – 625
engineering problems, 624 – 625
force and, 259, 267
Insert function (fx) menu, Excel, 429
Insert menu, Excel option, 422
Instantaneous linear parameters, 214 – 216
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE), 13, 54 –55
Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), 13
Insulating materials, 319 – 322, 324 – 326,
329 – 331
clothing, 329, 331
R-value (factor), 320 – 322, 324 – 325
thermal comfort and, 329 – 331
thermal resistance of, 319 – 322, 324 – 326
Integral calculus, 619 – 624
Integral sign, 237
Intellectual property, 64
Interest, 657– 658, 661– 662, 667– 672, 678
bond rate, 678
compound, 658
compounding periods, 661
effective rate, 661– 662
interest – time factors, 667– 672
nominal rate, 661
simple, 657– 658
Intermittent duty motors, 363

Internal combustion engines,
efficiency of, 388
Internal force, 265 – 266
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO), 67– 68, 70
International System (SI) of units, 132 –135,
163 –164
invcommand, MATLAB, 491
Inventors Hall of Fame, 13
Inverse of a matrix, 615 – 616
Iron, material selection and, 563 –564
Isometric drawing views, 514 –517

Joule ( J), unit of, 138, 268, 315,
374 – 376, 379

Kelvin (K), unit of, 132 –134, 136, 313 – 315
Kilogram (kg), unit of, 132 –134, 233
Kilometer (km), unit of, 163 –164
Kilometers per hour (km/h), unit of, 215
Kinetic energy, 241, 373 – 374
Kirchhoff ’s current law, 350 – 351

Laminar fluid velocity inside a pipe,
nonlinear model for, 595 –596
Latitudes, 208 – 209
Layout options, PowerPoint, 101
Leaders, drawings, 512
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED), 55
Length and length-related parameters, 129,
132 –136, 136, 138, 159 – 202,
214 – 220. See alsoArea; Linear motion;
area, 171–180, 185 –190
coordinate systems for, 162 –163
electronic distance measuring instruments
(EDMI), 165
foot (ft), unit of, 135, 163 –164
fundamental dimension, as a, 129, 160 –164
Global Positioning System (GPS), 165 –166
linear engineering parameters of, 214 – 220
measurement of, 165 –168
meter ( m), unit of, 132 –134, 163 –164
New York City Water Tunnel No. 3,
engineering marvel, 197– 202
nominal sizes versus actual sizes, 168 –170
radians () as a ratio of two lengths, 171
second moment of area, 185 –190
strain as a ratio of two lengths, 171
systems of units, 161, 163 –164
time and, 214 – 220
trigonometric principles for, 166 –168
units of, 132 –136, 138, 163 –164
volume, 172 –173, 180 –185

Index 695

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