Typography - Getting The Hang Of Typography

(lu) #1

White space helps to offset large amounts of text and helps the user՚s eyes
flow through the text. It also provides separation between elements in the
layout, including graphics and text.

In the example below, white space and only white space is used to separate
text elements. The layout is very clean and efficient. The user՚s eyes flow
from text element to text element with ease, because of the large amounts
of white space.

  1. Consistency
    Consistency is often regarded as an important technique for usability, but it
    also applies to readability. Consistency in the hierarchy is important to a
    user-friendly layout. This means that all headers of the same importance in
    the hierarchy should be the same size, color and font. For example, all

    headers in an article should look identical. Why? This consistency

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