Kundalini and the Art of Being: The Awakening

(Dana P.) #1
Kundalini and the Art of Being ... 

what felt like my center in the midst of it all—a place of calm within
the storm that I could now clearly sense amidst all the discord.
As I lay there on my back becoming more and more centered and
grounded, it was as if I passed through the blocked energy and found
myself somehow underneath it. I could feel all the trapped energy
hovering just above my body, as if it were ready to break away and
fly free. I became so relaxed that I almost forgot for the time being
that I had a body at all. It felt as if I were simply hovering in space,
with the presence of this blocked energy vibrating subtly above me.
As I let go of the last bit of tension, this energy quite suddenly
burst up and away from me. At the same time, my entire body began
to vibrate. I allowed it to do so, despite how strange it seemed, be-
cause it felt great. As I let go entirely to the flowing energy, my body
vibrated more and more, shaking and contorting on the bed as the
energy blockages flowed out and through me.
Eventually I slowed down and stopped, still lying on my back and
breathing heavily, my heart almost pounding out of my chest. Once I’d
regained my breath, I continued the bodily vibrating for probably ten
or fifteen minutes, until there seemed to be no blocked energy left to
be released. Then I turned onto my side and just lay there, experienc-
ing the joy and lightness of pure energy flowing freely through me.
I couldn’t remember the last time that I’d felt so centered, calm,
relaxed, open, and totally present. I got up and went to take a long
shower, and then went back to my room and sat on my couch for a
while. There was absolutely nothing that I needed in that moment.
Nothing to do, nowhere to go. I just sat and looked around me at the
objects in my room, noticing how dramatically my perception had
shifted, once again, in spite of the fact that nothing outwardly had
actually changed. It was perfectly clear to me in that moment what
happiness was: just being truly alive, basking in the pure presence of
spirit. That is all there is to it; it’s so simple.
This method of bodily vibration became a powerful tool along
my spiritual path over the next few years. Due to the energy open-
ings that I had facilitated earlier through emotional expression, yoga,

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