Parent and Child Roots - S
(vf: Paal, Hiphil) |kjv: deck,
adorn, take, pass, depart, alter,
took, pass, remove| {str: 5709,
J)(JS ((JSAhWD) ac:? co:?
ab: Witness: The repeating of an
V) (JS ((JS AhWD) —
Witness: [freq. 45] (vf: Paal,
Hiphil, Hophal, Piel) |kjv:
testify, protest, witness, record,
charge, take, admonish| {str:
Nm) (JS ((JS AhWD) —
Again: A repeating of
something. [Hebrew and
Aramaic] [ms: de] [freq. 31]
|kjv: again, more, while, longer,
else, since, yet, still| {str: 5750,
if1) )HJSX ()HJSXT-AhW-
DH) — Witness: [freq. 3] |kjv:
testimony| {str: 8584}
L)(SM ((SMYAhD)ac: Meet
co: Appointment ab: ?: An
appointed place, time or event that is
repeated such as the monthly and
yearly feasts.
V) (SM ((SM Y-AhD) —
Meet:A coming together as two
or an assembly. [freq. 1] (vf:
Paal, Niphal, Hiphil, Hophal)
|kjv: meet, together, assemble,
appoint, set, time, betroth, agree,
gather| {str: 3259}
am)(SJQ ((SJQMW-AhD)
— I. Appointment:A time that
is repeated time after time. [ms:
dem] II. Company: A group
that meet at specific times. [freq.
224] |kjv: congregation, feast,
season, appointed, time,
assembly, solemnity, solemn,
days, sign, synagogue| {str:
4150, 4151}
af1) )HSJQ ()HSJQ MW-
Ah-DH) — Appointed: A place
appointed for as a witness. [freq.
1] |kjv: appointed| {str: 4152}
1350) )S ()SAhH) ac:? co:? ab:?
1351) *S (*SAhW) ac:? co:? ab:?
1352) >S (>SAhZ) ac: Bold co:? ab:
Strong: The pictograph S is a picture of
the eye representing knowing, the ^ is a
picture of cutting implement. Combined
these mean "know a weapon".
A) >S (>SAhZ) ac:? co:? ab:
Nm)>S (>SAhZ) — Strong:
[freq. 23] |kjv: strong, fierce,
mighty, power, greedy, roughly|
{str: 5794}
B)>^S (>^SAhZZ) ac:? co:?
ab: Strong
V) >^S (>^S Ah-ZZ) —
Strengthen: To be made strong
or hard. [freq. 12] (vf: Paal,
Hiphil) |kjv: strengthen, prevail,
strong, impudent, harden| {str:
dm)>J^S (>J^SAh-ZWZ) —
Strength: [freq. 3] |kjv: strength,
might| {str: 5807}
edm) >J^MS (>J^MS AhY-
ZWZ) — Strong: [ms: zwze]
[freq. 2] |kjv: strong, power| {str:
J) >JS (>JS AhWZ) ac: Gather
co:? ab: Strong: A strong refuge as