Parent and Child Roots - S
a place for making a firm and fierce
V) >JS (>JS AhWZ) —
Gather:To gather together for a
stronghold. [freq. 4] (vf: Hiphil)
|kjv: gather, retire| {str: 5756}
Nm) >JS (>JS AhWZ) —
Strength: [ms: ze] [freq. 93]
|kjv: strength, strong, power,
might, boldness, loud, mighty|
{str: 5797}
am)>JSQ (>JSQ M-AhWZ)
— Stronghold: A place of
strength such as a mountain, fort
or rock. [freq. 37] |kjv: strength,
strong, fortress, hold, forces,
fort, rock, strengthen| {str:
L)>SM (>SMYAhZ) ac: Bold co:
?ab: Strong: A boldness through
V) >SM (>SM Y-AhZ) —
Bold: [freq. 1] (vf: Niphal,
Participle) |kjv: fierce| {str:
,S (,SAhHh) ac:? co:? ab:?
9 S (9S AhTh) ac: Wrap co:
Bird of prey ab: ?: The pictograph S is
a picture of the eye, the Y is a picture of a
basket or other container. Combined these
mean "see and contain". A bird of prey is
able to see his prey from a great distance.
He then drops down on its prey with the
talons firmly surrounding the prey,
crushing and suffocating it.
A) 9 S (9SAhTh) ac:? co: Talon
ab: ?: The pointed claws of a bird of
Nm) 9S (9S AhTh) — I.
Prey: What is grabbed by the
bird of prey. [df: de]II. Stylus:
A pointed stick used for writing
in clay by pressing into the clay.
[freq. 7] |kjv: prey, pen| {str:
5706, 5842}
H))YS ()YSAhThH)ac: Wrap
co:? ab: ?: A tight wrapping around
of something.
V) )YS ()YS Ah-ThH) —
Wrap: To tightly wrap
something up. [freq. 17] (vf:
Paal, Hiphil, Participle) |kjv:
cover, array, turn, clad, covering,
fill, put| {str: 5844}
am) )YSQ ()YSQ MAh-
ThH) — Wrap: A garment that is
wrapped around the body. [freq.
1] |kjv: garment| {str: 4594}
J) 9 JS (9JSAhWTh) ac: Wrap
co:? ab: ?: Wrap.
am)9JSQ (9JSQM-AhWTh)
— Wrap: [ms: jem] [freq. 1]
|kjv: wrap| {str: 4593}
L) 9 SM (9SMYAhTh)ac: Wrap
co:? ab: ?: A tight wrapping around.
V) 9SM (9SM Y-AhTh) —
Wrap: [freq. 1] (vf: Paal) |kjv:
cover| {str: 3271}
M) 9 MS (9MSAhYTh)ac:? co:
Bird of prey ab:?
V) 9MS (9MS AhYTh) —
Pounce:The pouncing down on
the prey by a bird of prey. [freq.
3] (vf: Paal) |kjv: fly, rail| {str:
Nm) 9MS (9MS AhYTh) —
Bird of prey: [freq. 8] |kjv:
fowl, bird, ravenous| {str: 5861}
Adopted Roots;
2533 2^S