A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

198 ~-or 1'111: BOCU..L .AJrD oo.-r1c ~.llOI'loaa.

Oood·DiJht. '-'mother; eall •e before thAt clay ia bo111.
All aigb' I lie awake, but I Call uleep at mona;
But I would aee the aun ri.e u-pon the glad New. year,
So, ll you're "faking, call me, eallme eanr, IDOCAer cleat.

I TDOtlOIIT to pan away before, and yet &lin I am;
A nd In t~ fieldJ all round I bear the bleatln~ of the lamb.
How eadly, I rememher 1 1'08e the morning of the )'earl
To die before the aoow<lJ'Op came, and now the nolet'a here.

0 a1net ia the 11ew 'riol~ that eomee benea(h tho a\ie.,
And aweecer il the young lamb'a Toice to me that cannot rise.
And eweat i1 all the lud about, and all tho !lo-ra that blow,
ADd tweeter fu ia death thm life to me that long to go.

It aeom'd ao bard at ilnt, mother, to lea•e the bl-d son,
And now it aeeme as har4 to acay, and yet Hit will be done l
Bot at ill I think It can't be long before I ftnd releue;
Aad that good maa, the clergyman, bas told me worda of]leaee.

0 bleuinl!' oo bit k.iadly't'oice aud on hie ail•or hair I
And bleaatngs on bi.1 whole life loog, until be meet me there!
0 bleealage on billdndty heart and on hie aU•er bead l
A thoueaad rimes I bleat him as he knelt beside my bed I

He taught me all the merc1, for he abow'd me all the lin.
Now, tliou1h my lamp was l•ghted late, there'• One will let me in;
Nor woold J DO'!" be well, moth~ again, if that could be,
For my deaire Ia bat to pau to .wm th•t died for me.

[ did not bear the dog bowl, mother, or the death-watch beat_
rllere came a sweeter tok.eu when the oi~~:bt and mornias meec:
B11t ait be~ide my bed, mother, and put yoor band ia mille,
And Ellie on the other side, and I will teD tbe eign.

Allin tbe wild March-muruiog I heard tho au~eb call;
It wu when the moon waa aeu.iog, aod the dark waa over all;
The treea begao to whisper, aod the wind began to roll,

. And In the wild Mareh·moming I heard them call my 1011l

For lying broad awake I thooght or you and EfBe dear;
laaw you aittiog in the hoaae, and 1 oo longer here;
With all my etreogtb 1 pray'd for both, and eo I felc re.igo'd,
And up the •aller came a nell of muic 011 Lho wind.
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