A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
1'01:¥8 0~ TO eocu.L 4lfD D01081'IC AFnO'l'lOX8. 199

I thought that b wu fancy, and I listen'd ln my bed,
And then did 1omethingapeak to me-l knew n~ what W&f eaid;
For great deliaht and ahuddering took hold of aU my milld,
And up the v&lley ca.me again the music on the wind.

But you were sleeping; and I said, "It's not for them: it's mine."
And if it comea three times, I thongbt, 1 take it (or a alga.
And once again h came, and c:loae beside the window·biU'e,
Then seem• a to go right up to Heaven and die &mlllllg the eta1'8.

So now I think my time is near. I trust it is. I "know
The bleased muaic went that w11y my soul will have to go.
And for myeelf, indeed, I care not if I go to-day.
Bot Effie you most comfort her wllen I am put away.

And say to Bobin a kind word, and tell hlm not to fre&;
Tbere'a 'lll&n.J' worthier than J, would make him happy yet.
If I had lived-1 eannot tell-1 m.igbt have been h~t wife 1
But all these tbinga have ceased to be, with my deaire of life.

0 look. I the BUD begins to rise, the heavens are m a glow ;
He ehines upon a hundred field&, Rod all of them I know,
And there 1 move no loop now, and there hilligbt may ahine-
Wild·ftowera in the ,-alley for other banda than mine.

0 neet and strange it seema to me, that era tbia cay ia done
Tbe voice that now is spea.k.ing may be beyood the aun-
Jt'or eYer and for enr with tl1ose juat souls and trll&-
And what is life, that we abould moan? why make we such ado?
For ever and for eyer, aU in a bleMed ho--
And there to wait a little while till y-on •nd EiBe com-
To lie within the light of God, u I Ue upon your breut-
And the wicked cease from noubling. and the weary are 6l reat.


Tmc wateJ'II alept. Ni&bt'a ailvery veil blUlrl<>w
On Jordan's boeom, and tb& eddiee ourl'd
Their lll018y riugs be.oeaLh it, like the atlll.
Unbro"'ken beatina oftheJleeper'apW....
The reeds bent down the stream 1 the willow leaves,
With a aoft cheek upon the lulli.Qg tide,
Forgot the lifting wmW. ; and the big atema,
WboBe dowen tile water, like a gentle uuxw,
BeaJ'II on it. boeom, quietly gave way,
Anll lea.o'd, i.u ~a.ceful a.ttitus!ea, to 1-eat.
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