A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Ht roZJa~.o..·m•.eoo&U: un oo...,.r~ unorron.

I beard tho bell toll'J Oil thy· barial..!ay,
laaw the hearse tbnt bore thee elow away,
And, turning from.my uonery-wl~, dl'Mr''
A long, l011g 11igh. IW•l wept~ lut•atiit~n·l
But waa it anuh.t It waa. Wlrere-i.bou art goJRt
A die111 and ,J&rewells-uo a. ·eound uekooW'DI•
May I but meet tht'e on tbatlJMcefulebore,
1'bo parting aound ahall pue mylipe·uo·motei I
Tby m11.ioleoa, g,ieved thenaelvea At my'OOnwm;
Oft gMe me promise· oC tlry ·quickl returtu·
What ardently I wiah'd, I.long bellevt~d
Ant! diaappointed still, wu atilhleeeiv;d.
BY. diaappoiutme11t every day beguiled,
Dope of to-morrow even from a cbild.
Thua many a aaJ to-morrow came and wen\,
Till, all my stock-of infaut sorrow epeot,
I learn'd d last submiuion to my Jot ;
BUt, though lltas •leplored thee, ue'er forgo~-

Where:~ we dwelt our Dluoe I.e· heard· noo100re 1
Children not thioe have·tro<l my nurtetyilool'; ·
ADd where·tbe·garoh•oer Robin1 day by·day,
Drew me to ecbool I\ long: the·publio way,
Delighted with nJY •hauble coach, and· WTapp'd•
In sc-arlet ma.oile warmj aotl velvet capp'd,
'Tia now become a lft»tory little known,
That once we called tl1e paetoral bouse our owu.
Short-lived posse88ion I But the record fair
That Memory keeps of all thy: kin•lneu there,.
S\ill outlives mnoy a storm, that has elfneed
A thousand other theme• lesa deeply trace!~.
Thy nightly visits to my cb.nruber maole,
That t.hou miglit'et kuow me safe &url warmly la.iol;
Thy morning hountiea ere l'lc~ my l10mf',
The biacait·or confectionery plum;
Tho fragrant watl'r& on my cheeks beatow'd
By tby own hanJ, till f1-esh they 11hone and glow'J 1

All!t~ aad·more eodeoring etill than nll 1
Thl: couatant.1low of lo-ve, that knew no fall;
Ne er roogben'd by those cataracts and breaks;
That burnout' ioterpoeed too ofteu runkes;
All this, atlll•legible in Memory'• page,
And •till to b&"'I -to· my lattat •s~


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