A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Adda.joy-tbduty 1 makee me-~ta.i-to·pa.Y'
Sncb.JuJIIoun to thee ns 'Dly·namben mAY·:
Perhaps a !tail memorial, but-aioce~ 1 -
Not acotn'J in heaYeo, ~bough litUo notioed..beftl

· Could Time, bts fti~ht TeVersed, l'ea~ore tlie·honrs,
Wheo{ playing-with thy veature'a Ueaued floweN;
The violet, the pink, a.nll jeaaamiueo,
I prick'd·lhem mto·pnperwith· o:piu,
(And thon•wut happrer-thatFmyself'the·wbile;
Wookt'at softly apeak, nnd B~roke rur bead,and smile,}
Could thoae few ple8lll\nt boui'B agatn appear,
Might oue wish bring tb'em, would I wish them bere I
I woald not trust my heart-~he dear delight
Seema ao to be deait-eri; perhaps I might.
But no ;-what liere we calt our life is such,
So little to be loved, and thou eo much,
That I should1ll'requite t liee to coustraio
Tby nubound spirit into bouda ~in.

Thou, as a gaUant·barlri,Ctom· .A:lbioo'a cOAst·
(The storma· all weather'd, and the ocean ·oroaa'~)
Shoots into port at'aeme ·w.ell·h'llYen'd isle,
Where apices breathe, aud.brightar aeaaons-sm1le,
There site quiescent on the Jloode, that show
Her beauteoua. fo~rn reSected clear below,
While ail-s irupreguated with iucense play
Around her, fnnuing light ber streamers ~y;
So thou, with sails how swift.! haab reach u the 'Shore
"Where tempe.ts nenr beat nor biUGws roar;"
And thy loved ooneort ou the dangerou.a tide
Of Life, long since has 11ncbor'd by thy aide.
But me, scllt'ce hoping to attain that reet,
Alwaye from port wil.bheld, always diatr891'•\-
Me bowling bluts d-rive deYiou, tempeat-toet,
Sails ript, eeama· opening wide, and compaaa l06t;
And dn.y by dn.y some current'e thwarting• force
Sets me more distant from 1\ proeperoua coune ;
Yet-0 J· thll thou_ght, that thou ort eaftl 1 nnd be I
ThAt thou~bt is JOY, arrive what may to me.
MJ bout 18 not that I deduce my hirth
From·loillll euthroned, and rulers of the ea-rth;.
But higher far my proud:pretenaion• rise-..
The eon of parent& pass'd an to the ek.iea.
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